Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 245, 27 July 1891 — LOYALTY TRIUMPHANT. [ARTICLE]

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U nder the above heading the readers of last Saturda} r> s Bul]etin are treated to au ebullition ōf jenkinism on the gratifying spectacle of the royal pageantry through the islands. The royal trumpeter begina aa foHnws: »-*_Thft tr?nmphal accompaniments of the Queen's tour through\many of the principal districts of the group are v»ry gratifying. They are tlie more soin that they were not factitious—not planned from the canital ,r &c. We are truly glad to hear it, and would fain expses» the &spe that the new Court Trumpeter would remind her M»jesty that " such outbursts oflove,"&c.,e»lf fcr some : reeognition of the fact that there is a , 'people, rt and aeommon at thal, whose elaāma to treatment af the hands of a Board of Health, presumedly appointed and kept in office by her Majesty>- approval, should be the exact reveise of what it is. Will Mr. Court Jenkifts eall the Queen's attention to the fact, that the endorsed report of a specia 1 committee of the LegiBlature; referrins; to matters ija whtch the vt*ry Hfe of th.e people arē |t stake, re-J main i<> this day ignofed? Not oulv are the mandates of the Legislature set aside b/ the govern- ! ment of her Ma]estr, bot, as if to exhibit, in its most effensive for«j, the contempt whieh the govern«oeat and its satellite, the Board of HeaUh. entertains for thc people as expressed by the Le^kU^e,—the abolition of the Kalihi Hospital is a signal proof. ThjB Hea3th matter is one of n«merous instances of disregard of the eomoion peoples rights, But we instance it as one of the i»ost ntal and at the same time theeasiestfor her Mejesty through her.om appointed ministry to rcctify. We reprint the follōwtng extract from the artic!e for the purpose of displaying the auimu» to ourse!ves as the "half and half" gheet:— The triumph of decency. not to uiention gallantr\y realizedin the Qeen's i'eeepiion every where is al l | the more to be remarked, because |of ihe vulgav campaigtj of seditious detraction earried 611 for a lpjng time in a haif-and half native and foreign paper. lndeed. that eheet predict®d as it worked hard for the e?freixiotfe failurc of the Qqeen r s tour. It is a signiiicani fact, as showing ite nuUodorons caaipaign to have been the work of a contemp{tibly smaH faetion, that the p&per jin auestion onlv lived to the Engiish part of its (Hjnstituency long enough to have its siHy prediotions disproved bv popular displays of loyalty to ihe Syvereign, tfhich in enthusiasm and £euerous devotion j were rery rem aapart from j any |K>iitical signific.ane©, I —: : | The Court journalißt is evidently | well posted on the question of the | non-faotitions t uaractfer of the ova* Uion*. In :tho f*ee uf facts to tho ic«Mjirary. \ve uiight for his ;*ouree vf inforniation<—or inspiraI tion. It a fuct. patent. tr everv I roader of cven tl>e Butletin, that | weeks hcforo th«» QufonV visit to |īi i 10. the ic»ca 1 otliee h(»lders \vero i v < t ,rking the hookupu oraele for all \ii wa- worth The same may be ,sj>d of aii ihe distri<t3 whero ih«-ro | n dej>utv ylß»rilf nr otiier

ciais, ail ordered from Honoiuiu to beat a "roH ,ug," It is r»o part of our purpōse, or even was, to leßsen the Queen's inAneiiee for good atnong her people; both riative aiid foreign; nor to disparage any expressions of respeet with whicb t both as a woman and ruler, she ha» been greeted on her tour of the i»lands; but we reeoil from the fawning adulation of the and the servitor who may be depending upon a patroness for daily bread. The' reeent triumphal tour of the German Emperor through London was brilliant and n«sy, but it was Tjo evidenee that ihe democratic Londoner did not disagree with the stolid iEflperiaiism of, pns»bly, the four or five irresponsible tUen who may be running the Berlin Board of H>alth. Had Stanley the explorer, paraded a few of his forest dwarfs at the same time, there is a strong probability that theEmperor would have played to emT)ty seats at Guildhall. Hunianitv loves a free show and a free feed.

The Bulletm articleis evidently an outburst of gratitude to the "powers that be n for a' solid favor received. The whole brood of !iterary Jenkinses are of "malodorous" orlgin anvhow, and never succeeded —outside of their brother lackeys— in enthueing even t; a contemptibly small faction." The ioest friends of the Q,ueen are toose who are honest and independeut eiiough to remain outsideof the circle of offiee toadies or Bycophauts, and who are manly ensugh to pre' sent the truth—aven to the Queen —without a coatingof enamelled sugar. - j It has ever been an evil day j lt lends f!T ! flattery and believes any£fcfceaftt mole-hill to be a moving moumaiii.