Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 217, 17 Iune 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

0» the Coriier ©f Peasacola.*s"■- : and.Wildēr Comfcr of Tliui»stos Avmm & - Green Btreet and 011 Prospeet Street Honoinlu, Oahn. On WedncBday, July U, ī^Bl f at the front entrance of A!iiolani Hiale, at 12 o'eloek n®on t will bc* sold at public nuetion 13 Lots oit the corner of Per)sacola Btreet aml Wikler Aveitue, 2 Lote on the eo^ 1 ner of Thurston Aveque auwi Green Street and 5 Lōts on Prospect Street, varying in size frojn 168x200 feet to 81x160 f©et Upset from |iCK> to 400 eaeh lot' according ■to size and locatloh. ' ' The terms and condition cfsale wiH be cash or at the opiion of the purchaser, one-fourth 3ash and the retnainder in equal installments pavable in one, two.or three yearK ; with interest payahle semi-annual-ly at the rate.of seven per cent per a'nnum. The purchaser ir»av within one year from the date of purchase enclose the land bought by him with a good and substantial lenee and iay on water from the Government pipe. Royal Patents will be issued for the land upon final pavrnent of the | purchase price. I A map of the Lot ean be seen | and fu!l particulars learned at the Land Office. Streets have been laid out and_ graded and water mains have been or sh<Mrtly will be laid adjoining I*ll o&i&e atsove Lots. C. N/SPENCĒ& Minister oflntoiw. Interior Office, June 15, 1891 r 215—4t Ka Hm TJwati Kaleponi. uwati gula o waho, hoopiha is t me na mea hana o loko» o ka haaa nwati kaulana WALTHAM, no $30 o ka «wati hookahi.maka u&u paluadala o ka piile hookahi. E kipa ae io— A. J. SCHBEIBER—Agena Alanui Hotele, malalo iho oka Ho&le Aioneiona. • Hale Knai Wati Moi HĒLU 1 No e. Ah UīL ! KAoio namea<S«ia, na DAplA* SA, n& POHAK¥ WM m* s!^sasi £SJ»iSiSSS MO£JMA QX!JJL a m» Wto»»iiiui*Bofeostioa otoK**ui&|c* iaaao» na PUPANAPAKA & tm m \ lako ī Ehoomanaoeaa aaalaMiau «j Mā AHKAU*w>ka i*ea »a»ai 14*1» WA!HamenalakoGULAwlea AMlihiiiiiiMhkiWwi ai saa &3&A »£*if «aailewaa kmkini milillii» m mk* n &fea tln t> m imppi Htntii T m «la m ha»Baira& imip»i« Im«m wmm fiH a» h i M)»«ai)iik £ >m*m Mt t at k«Ml* lliaii* k*mW*mlkwāik <X Ah Raa>