Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 217, 17 June 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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Thai a good many people imagine thafc4hey. love law and order, when they do not. It ib a fact that a great many of our good people, who labor under a delusion that they are lovers of peaee and good will to a!l mankind are perfectlv indifferent as to whether the laws are justly enforced or not as long as they are themselves not affected bv their violation. Laws

aopear to be enforced in this emmtry principally from selfish motives and not from a Jove of justice.

That the. Bulletin' says people are scouring up their tomb stones in anticipation of the resurrection.

That Minister Spencer is using his judgment with deadly effect in public affairs.

That the Hawaiian dudes are all detectives in the secret service; a good many devote their attention exclusively to the shadowing of ladies to have somethma: valuable concealed beneath their skirts,

That Ka Leo's note about an attorney at law being in the detective business for future glory, was a stone that killed more than one bird.

That the politician ? s plan to succeed is explained in <tbis way: Make yourself useful-; if they want to use you for a door-mat, let them do it.

That Ihe Balletin and some other people say Ka Leo is getting

into shape to sell out during the coming campaign. We are already selling out a pretty large edition daily at double the price the Bulletins brings. We will eomo high about electioja time.

That a suit for $5000 damage eaeh has entered in the Supreme Court >y L. A. Thurston and by F. W. Wundenberg against ,John E. Busii, for a)leged damaged to ,|j*e character of the above gentlei men. These suit āre to take places at the same date as the coming jury term in July wilh theerimuial lihel suits by the government by the same parties*

That the Sanhedrim has passed jadgement that a sacrifice mnst be made tUr the good of the poliUeal «ynagogile.