Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 215, 15 June 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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Th&t Mr. J. J. Williams proposcs! to pay $25 to any one who will identify thc person that niistook hims3h' for . Mr. \Vilimms on the llth of June last. Mr. Williame onlv wanis 10 get his caraera pointed at the lellow, —that/sail, —$oir.ehody else will a?tend to the rest of the business. Chanee for a eheap photo. That a respeetable .voung man is ' i anxious l ' to find employment, and lie says, he is alive and not dead, and ean be heard from by eommwnication addressed "Anxious," Btilletin Oifice. Desirous of being a "Good Samaritan, v \re take the priviiege of ursri'ng sonie one in need of a yo\]ng man to try v'Anxiou«/? as it is so sc!dom that people are reaJJy anxious for work in ! this e'liDiate. That oivr Mr. Barnes has returned from Chkia and Japan. not with a cargo of opium,. as some of the wags on Maui said he probably wouid, but with an eiegent ehoiee, and large variety of silk handkerchiefs, whieh he otfers to sell eheap at the corner of King and Fort Strēet, opposite E. O. Hail & Son\ Ewa side, to any one, who wili eall | and Sse. j That Supenntendent Wai. H. Tell of the Leper Settlement at Kalawao, is reaping favorable opinions from the Lepers fcr the (huniane w:?y in whieh he treats •the sick, ar.d for ihe elea'n and ; hc*lthv they get. This isnne ' st« p i;i the rijrht direct:on. The * * 11« xt h **> v>rovid.i a humaue Hoard ■ of H<m!th. j That ;ire oomplainii>g be;cause tiiMv is a s«ircity of water, ' anvl are n udv to hlame the Suj>er- , :ntenuonr »>f Water. Works as the • of ,:11 trouble. To l)e abused !»s a part of .»flicial life lH*re and i everv .>!)]vi;il imist Tiiore or _!<■>.< o:fit: l'U* tlie hiam-i in this |:nsta? ; iv-» i- nnt due entir*sv to Mr. W hii-\ :: :• h« a pninhH he ean . noithi*r pray u» st<>p or to bring | rain, in f:\ct ha* fiirgotten how 10 pn.v. Va- troubJo ifiig!it }>08- ; ,s:!ilv bo . ::ji\vineu w c:cii 4 .ittF.