Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 215, 15 June 1891 — DIED AT HILO. [ARTICLE]

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Profc.esor TJ. R. HitchVoi-k, iliou at Hiīo, 011 J«ne V)th. Th).? gentie- i ■īnan was b>»rn nt Lahaiiia. July--22 1843. He was the second son of the Rev. II." 11. llitohcock, who wa» (ocatcl as missiormry for many years on -Molokai. The decea?e<l was a innn of abi-1 lity arscl coitsiae-rab]e cnorgy. He was ouf of th'* iuo.<?t energetic and successiful ln.«pector Gp2ierai of SchoolH, that we cver hau, rnd it was (iuring his time that ntiiny standard books wero rend-; ered into Hawaiian and printed for : use among the schuo!s of the King-; dom. He was the author of the English - Hawaiian dictionary, an invaluaiie work in wliieh he took a great intercst u> havo published especially f;r the good of the young Hawaiian. Tho deceased was well liked hy th« Hawaiian.