Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 214, 12 June 1891 — ANOTHER PROPHET. [ARTICLE]
| In an 3S»glish newspapcr, Tht \r*>pU\-rt Mav 17th. \ve rea<,lof an- | othc-r hftraid of coming events, who |prophcsit j s "before. this time noxt j vear the greatost war ercr known— !awarwhioh will cuJitunate in the j conv»irsio*n of twenty threo now ex- . istins'Btates into ten." Thi« Beer | ik a clergyman in Liverpool, EngI laivl, and a o!ose Btudent of eurrent |h : sUvry (\<j well iis l>eing \vrsed in
lore. , Thero- nre unqnjee&nnable signs thiA agr.ee wllh ihe bible that j>oint to the appr»aching close of tiie v worid's drama as īat present pērformed. That this tijwe is to ternjinate with oae of thw m«St terribJe eonf!ict« amotignations evor known eiiiee the workl wa» miulo. The keeping us» of large Ktandjng ai*mies, vast ai'genais of aH manner <5f improvc<J arms aiid war; borrowing largc nmounfs of nroney to keep Aap this unnatural state; nations angry one against another, are evidences o? an iinpending " time of troub!e / such- a» never was since there wns a iialion, even to that eame time."