Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 213, 11 Iune 1891 — A PROSCIBED RACE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The pergecutMsn of the Jcstri "ftrRusfria. still contimies with * al>ated rlgor and ,cruelty, Tliere a,re six mi!kotis of J«ws iu Russia. ahd \vherever they ean many are . endeavoring ti) galh r.dmittance in ilio Oreck cl>iireii toBav<j fxj»ulsion. It seems as if-tbe self-iinp6s«d rnad« by-this rac<», before the KomAn governor a.d. 31,' is to f<dlow thcm whorever they are gathpred t#|eiher jn any oonsiderable nuinber«. Tho *vay of the iransgres«or is hard!