Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 213, 11 Iune 1891 — Death of Owen J. Holt. [ARTICLE]
Death of Owen J. Holt.
At about 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday Mr. Hoit died of neart trouble. The deceasedi was the youegest son of Mr. Holt of the former firm of Robinson &. HoH, doifig business as Ship Builders T in the early part of the 40's. Since the demise of his father he has bee n living at the Helemano Ranch, and part of the time in Honolulu, wiUi his mother, who was buried only a few days ago. Tho deceased was a eouein of Govenor J. O. He leaves a wife and & large nupei* ber of chiidren and grand children and' two elder brothers James ajnd John j?ho survive« himr Jge wae otve of the best-tSeh of his men. He lead a sedate, unobtHxsive and industriouB iife, and well liked and respectcd by a lajrge I circle ef friends aud acquaintan<ieB. We had the pleasure of passmg $ur | school days together with the | ceased, at the old Mililam Bch<K>l, i under oneof the kinde*t of teacb|»fB the late G, B, C. Ingraham, where now stands a portion of the present Ooverouent Buildmg. We syan- | pathiseand condole with the wi<k>w and fauuly of the deceased. That Mr. J.Citmtuins' elahle wUI take nearly al! the priies this da % v at the raoes. i For horse f)esh Jobn ean beat Baiu f but when it coinc« to the roya| gaiue of "imeeanl'' Sam is apt & iwin.