Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 212, 10 June 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That tbe cabinet is wrong in not appmnting govemors for Hawaii, Maui &nd Kauai as the law it compulsorv on the Queen.> —We suggest • Mr. \Videmann for Kauai, Mr. Spenoer for Hawaii and of course the honnie Prince for Maui. Buch a niee wav to get rid of the obstructionists. 1

That when the Queen left th« wharf oi Kahuiui aboat twenty| ot the paw 4t la(lies ,> jumped mto the water and fo!lowed the royal boat like mer-maids. By a mistake "lady" took the pedagogu« frbm Waihee the.andsome Arry wjiUi her into tlie brioy deesp. When Arry returned to the Biirfaoe t Arry wab very wet, while the band piayed to Blow mnaie a wellknowo tune abbut a Rentl«man catled McGinty.

That the promised resignation of Mr. Widebianti gtvee general saitBfaction, and that it is s hoped« that ller Majeaty will follow the wUh of her people and appoiut a liawaiian to the vacant olßrc»

Tfcat oiie of tbe j isoat got swamped at Maalaea, : m* week nearly drowniDg tke jra3Sengers; grogs neglectwas thec&useaad the Steamshīp Company ought to be made to reimburse the passehgers who lost ill they hsd.

That MinisterC. N. schemc—the breakwater at na—is a faihtre ahdso nmeh inont'y thrown in the water. Mr. Mahopeis sk»w in doing anything and what he does is always a fizzle. Kem^aee.

That the Sheriit of Hawaii sayg thāt he is solid. He is willmg to decapitate all his deputies but he wiil be demented if he wiii go himse!f. All right o3d boy ftre have heard some other high jigadiers ta)k like that and still finish up m consomme.

That the death of Bir John Maedonald delays teoiporarily the prospects of a TQciprociffi treaty with Canadā; •

That the Minister of Pinanee has resigned, whieh is not at all unlikely. —-—

That the dry weather is being felt all over the group, and will result in a large shrinkage in tho next crop of sugar.

That the main point in the reform party's new constiu\tion ris a protectbn clause for opium sm«gglers. The/beastly constitutioß of 87 does not protect gentlemerv in the business at ail.

That the Maui Racing Association was greatiy honored bv reeeiving an application. for membership from the ex-Premier ©f Waimanalo. The prince was propoSed by the noble duke of Wailepo &nd unapimous!y admitted. v It is understood that there will be some doubt in regard to the admission of the leimanio crowd.

That two hrtndred acres of yo«iig eane beionging to the Heeia PJrbŪition is lost on account of the dTOught and inability to irrigate it. Ma& who lost the plantation by a pieol of legerdemain, believes that it is on\y the beginning ©f sor)rows fbr the present agents and owners.

That the eane fields of the Bwa Plantationarq getting the fulibenefit of xrrigation from &rtasan welk &nd the inSuence sf the sun. The mv«rage yield, wiU not fall short of five tons to the &cre.

Th&t the U. 3. S, Iroquuis ?was in a state o£ readinesB all nigbt patyr* day, according lo the P. <jl. AdTert)ser. We hope for q»ot jog the P. C. Ā that the Captain jof the Iroqu<ttB wiil not take us tjask lhr pt»blishing this bitof c<wroborative evidence to the gēner|U pectation of runaored revohiti<kiBt fbr whieh we were arrest«d. L

Tbafc we wo«ld be ple*sed to Wr a oior« ikom "Ifor thf good of 4ho Countfj." Sofipjething ioore defiait« ni|kt be perh<ig>s oh* tained in Uk« ift*tter, and sa|&h niid«rsUndiaf is zkeeded lbefim u Coining out, M That the duke of Waikapu was misBed greaily <hinug the C :ut»oci's viait to MauL Souieh«iw t!i i duke of \V*ilepo 18 not quite &s fauur ii his duoal brothcr hom W« ih^u