Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 212, 10 Iune 1891 — WHO RUNS THE GEVERNMENT? [ARTICLE]
Mr. Thurston reprcseiits the Oueen in a profiecution against us for £peaking out to save the Queen's life ani throne. One of the ohief of the slave-dealing pluto» crats misret>resents Hawaii in the Americar capital. The offices with ,a few exctptions are in.the hand of the old Silurian devil-fish who were in bel'jre the reforin, before Uibson, and before honesty was thought desirable in puhlie affairs. Ever since the psalm-singing dickering, trafficking Yankee Jesuits landed on these shores and eonverted the native chiefs to the fear and worship of a new set of gods and demons, have these pious drivellers held Hawaii writhing. but helpless, in their ghostly clutch. They eame humbleandraeek largely because of the scarcety of food in their barren New England homeB. Came and sued in the name of pity for permission to live īn the country. The chiefs gavē iands for homes and built houses for them. But it was only a few vears till they were invōking the aid of foreign arnis to protect their property arid interest». How had they so soon anquired property and vested interests.
They devoted their attention to the oonversion of the chiefs. Th«y crāwled up to them, kissed their i feet, cringed, flattered. cajoled, j kicks wonld not repulse theiß, they udost meekly turned the other eheek if a chief wished to smite. ] They could and did eat poi and j sea-worms, dog load, crow. No-1 thing nausiated them as long as it i was for the good of the causeplunder. They taught reading and instilled fear of unseen powers. They sold ealieo and trinkets. The first article of faith was to wear Yankee print dresses and other things imported and sold hy the missionaries. They introduced mortgages and other civilized appliances to acquire other people's property. Soon when the chiefs refused to give them the whole country, they appealed to their government for protection. They were deienceless ministers of the gospel of l«ve in a wilderness surrounded by savages; they prayed for protection. The sh©w of American war-vesseis awed the chiefs, self who had lost their courage and confidence and were runningafter strange gods and taking lessons iike schoo! chiidren. The result was as we see, there are no chiefs now and the missionaries are their heirs. The pious soon enslaved the native disguised as § contract to labor. When nativcs heeame scnrce. they imported co«)lies and sent kidnappmg expeditions to the south sea islands?. Ths natives are melting away. The Advertiser dvvells with iii concealed gnitifica tions on the increasi»jg deafli rate. It is interesting īn view of ourpolilieal prob!etns. Immorality, poverty, depease, are annihilating the uatives, and foreign arms guard them while they dwindle away like prisooers and slaves in the land of their forefnthers. Do not the uiissionaries rojoice to seo them go. Note the eoiiiplaisant smirk with whieh the parson preachs the funer»l serrnon. The commereial Jesuits have nevcr for one nio:nent reiaxed their hold «f Hawaiian uifairs. Tnev havo been d«-feated, beatcn, trod up^n
but they hav6 novtfr heen ous.ted. Wbcn the reform ('ume up they captured ii by enteriug into it, controlii«g its counselB and to suit their purpose. Pretending to reform the} T ooly secured a firmer grasp of what they already had. They h«.ve been ofteri voted out. but they : are still in. Ivings con»e and kings go, cabinet rise and pasa away īn quick succession. The forces of olection and logislatiires are gravely gone through with, but never a fite Baruacle losens ils hokl, till it ig gathered to its moluscan fathers a ripe oid age. The wbining missionarv has developed into -haughty, bloated plaKo k>nger do they exhort in - the" name of rigbteousness, aow they mete out jastice aad vengeance from high places. Xowv their %rath strikes like the thund-er-bolt of Jove. Now, they griud tbeir enem?es in inquisitorial mille. It is a crime to speak the truth, it is a crime punishable bv imprisonment to take the name of God in vain. But theTe is nu law against usury except in the Bible ! whieh is not the law. It is not the ! law for preaching not for living.