Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 211, 9 Iune 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That several needed charges betweeix officiats in the country districts will be the result of the royal and ministerial tour. ' That the Maiui judges and poliee officials are full of spirits and ftery i energy. i That the Band without a Berger | was quite lazy and played miseras bly during their trip wkh the Queen. — ! That Sam is now one of the finest orators in the countrv competinp; successfully in deiivery and sense with *Soble Pua and Sir Ed. Lilikaiani. ~—— 4 That the debut of the government net to I®ok after opium smugglers at Kahului, was to borrow fifteen dollars from the notorions, celestial opium smuggler t® enable him to join in a little game with a nnmber of his heaihen friends. That since the Ashfords left their weakkneed friends of.tbe SOth June, there has remained none but "Jackals" as leaders to fill their places. That some Postmaster tf>ld a friend, that ü ßy God," ifthe Queen did not do as they wanted too, pretty damn s©on they would make her, or eise they would precipitate the annexation of the country to America. — That the Queen was the gnest of a very select |>arty of the noble Marquis of lao, who consequently was prQmoted, and in future will cover his beardless cranium with a ducal crown and will be known hereafter under a new title. That the Cabinet is wrong in not appointing Governors for Hawaii, Maui and Kauai, as the law makt s it compulsory on the Queen> We suggest the appointment of the oostructionists of the Gabinet to the governorships ;of the islands. That Marshal Wilson gave the v aui poliee a surprise party in having six persons arrested for illicit i liquor ssiling ftnd four for npium in S »ossession ,during his short stay at j~Wailuku. The Marshal used Hol nolulu poliee for his work, as he j has bcen confirmed in the opinion of the quality of the Maui for<» as expressed in ;the eolumne ©f th€ KA LEO. >: That pugilistic g >vernment officials are getting plentiful. Tbe Deputy Sheriff of Makawao'showed his loyalty to the Queen by horsewhipping u a damned kan&ka" during Her Majesty's trip to Haiku.—The damned kanaka has had the eheek to have the Deputy Soeriff hauled up. That for the first tiiue the preeaulion was taken to have soldiers and loyal firemen with torches tc escort the Queen to ber one to protect "the Queen from $he raging and disappointed formei offic« holders, and the other to expeaed the assassins if men could have been found as low &s ihi hirers todo the dirty work. That more just grounds for a hbel suit ean i he brcught against tne %t P. 0. Advertiser > ' by Bush and Wilc«x than ihe crazv attempt against Bush nnd Huutsman. That the best ev>dence that thew were rumors of an kttenuit to play the e&me httle game cf btaff that
was done on the memombla b3oodless Culloden," A. D. 1887, June 80» is th© abortive learier of the C. Advertiser/' # trjring' xo luii tfee Nation to eleep, by sayiiig there were no grounds for fears ofa revoliation, and endeavoring to sliield its friendg, before band t by accn»> ing Bush and Wilcox as the onlj ; ones capable of a revnlut'jon.