Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 211, 9 Iune 1891 — OUR RELATIONS TO THE GOVERNMENT [ARTICLE]
Xo one ean accuse us of courting or receiving the fa vor of the pre?ent government. Btill we believe Ihat they are lafgely indebted to Ka Leo not only for the positions they occupy, but for their eoniinuanee in office. It was because the people expected popular reforms in the government that the accession of Liliuokalani was hailed with delight by her oppressed people. The voice of the people eonflemning the Cummihs cabinet and the decision of the Supreme Court gave her the fair opx)ortunity to eonie before her people as thcir <leliverer from an odious oligarchy. Whether she meant welljor whether Fhe was frightened by the hydra-1 headed "InAuenee," we cannot definately say: It is certain hat the cabinet of Her Majesty has eontinued the reign of theorganized and confederated criminals who have contr©lled our country. Wearei glad to learn that Her Majesty j was well received by the people ofi the other islands. But with al gagged press, the outside districts have very little ehanee of knowing the true inwardness of our politieal life. Then the money of officiats and sugar planters combined with the | curiosity of the polulaee might produce a fair imitation of p«pularity to deceive the Queen as to the feeling of her people. Her Majesty is not so stupid as not to perceive that the devotion of her people has sadly waned since her cabinet showed its allegance to the commercial-missionary mafia that the people have voted out of office, bo« with no other result than a c!iange of ministry. The mafia sfcill holds the country in its octupus clasp by intimidation and bribery. It has been our pleasant duty to tell the Queen and this, to cry aloud the warning that might save our Queen and country. We -expect no reward but hate and persecution. Reward are for those who fawn and flatter, conspire and intrigue. Recently we began to hear runtors of new conspiracies. At first we gave them no credence but as reports thi"ckeoed we thought it our duty to sound the warning The people were aroused and timoly precautions taken and the league found themselves considerably embarrassed in their plans. Of coursc respectable cojaspirators ean not K* punished nor any steps taken to prevent the repetition of the performance, but those who soundeil the alarm who interfered with their treasonous schemes are to be prosecuted as «riminals. We are not the offendorn, but those who Ppoke out in a time when the thro!ie wns in danger. We elaim no credit for thie; but we hope that Her Majesty and her ministerB will cease to give aid and comfort to the traitors wbo oeee reBt>rted to arn>s to overthrow the King and gi vernment
and whos)nly wait a favorable opportunity to reDeat the perforuiance with the Qaeen. Turn them ont iof the govemment ofiiees where they are fattening and deprive them of the power of giving their plots a show of legality and authority. If the Quertn and cabinet make tools they ean expect to be cast aside as soon as the enemy is thrbugh with them. The Bush-\Vilco.v party have always heen the friends of the Queen. Thcy never conspired, but for her and the people's benefit. That" party never turned state's evidence, nor made any damaging statements to Thurston; never played detective; never was on both sides. That party has never sought to flatter or leave the people's cause to obtain perscnal advancement. The Bush-WiJcox party have deserved well of the Queen and eountry. But the criminal league sav they will not stand to have Bush or ,Wilcox or Nawahi in the cabinet. The reason the3* cannot stand it is, that they know thati partycan neither be bribed nor intimidated. jOf course a corrupt ring could not stand long undor such an administration of affairs. But their threats of force are idle. The U. S. war vessei woukl hardlv help theiu to break the peaee and personally their follōwlng is utterly, insignificant. The false cry of re- j form lio longeiM?arries a following ©f riflemen, they are rather on the other side. So there is no gcod reason why we should longer tole-1 rate the oligarchy, except laek of back-bone. Do right, then let the heavens fall. j