Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 210, 8 Iune 1891 — TRADE WITH HAWAII. [ARTICLE]
It appears that other countries | beside the United States of Americā | are anxious to make reeiprocal trade, and are casting aboyt to make such commercial trcaties as will give them advantages over competitors. The following is taken from the Mcntreal Herald, Biiowing the views of the presß and the favorable comparison whieh is made between the East Indies' trade and what would accrue to tiiem from the West Indies of the Pacific. We know of a gentleman ih the city, who is in correspondenee with lurge cominercial houses, in Oanuda one of whom will take at least 20,000 tons of raw sugars for refinery purposes. It seems only a matter of eommon senseand justice towards the people of llawaii and the capitalist, that- our governuient, ehould b(Btir themselved in this matter. Hut we are afraid that the Se«retary of the Foreign l>epartment, who is sentimeiitally inclined towards the land of his birth, —is against the prop6sition, and undoubUdly leads the miniater in the iuatter, tho latter bcing o„lya novice in ?tateoraft and only to«> glad to have Jvvme one think for hiin. |
t4 According to a San Francisco despatch there is iikejy to be a disagreement between the Unitedl States and Hawaii over Ihe new j commercial tceaty and the Queen and"lter Cabinet are said to be looking to Canada and Austrnlia with a view to arranging with those countries a treuty 011 lines «imilar to the old treaty between the Unit«d States and Hnwaii. The Canadian Covernmient miglit do worse than give this nuitter some attention. The trade between the United States and Hawaii hr,s been very profitable to both countries, and if Canada could seeure tha trade of those islands it would probably be of more value to tiB than all the trade we ean get with the West Indies under existing circumstances. Just now, however, Sir John is probably too busy- m figunng out how he isgoing to keep his hungrv and quarrelling familv in order, and soeculating whether or not it is worth while to send reciprocity delegates to Washiugton on what several Tory organs say will be a wild-goose chase; while several Cabinet Ministers are spending half their timein making vicious passes with sharp instruments at eaeh others politieal Whale ' these performances are on trade witn Hawaii, Newfoundland and tne United States ean wait,