Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 209, 5 June 1891 — VIEWING THE GROUND. [ARTICLE]

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We have recieved privat6 advice from Hilo that thc Hitelicocks_ luive i.«s«ed the edi<*t tliat Hūntsman must go to iail for publishing various articles in contempt of that r<3igning-by-divine-right iy. īn Hilo the * incarceration would follow as the thunder follo\vs the lightening. Rut in lionoiulu divine wrath is not so quick and certain formalities are obgerved before a man is shut up. There is even a possifcility that the Hitcheoek influence will not prove equal to the undertaking. At least if a man is sent to jail hei he may have some hope of getting out. In view of this contingency we visited Oahu Jail yesterday. sorter to look over the ground and see if we could make a favQ*able impression on the jailor. We found that institution very neat and.clean, and about as atlractive_as ihe averjage hotel, though there is a certain air of restraint about parts of it. The oilicers of the jaii are very pleasant and alFable gentlemen and we hope, that Ave- laid the foundation for future frlendlv relations.