Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 208, 4 June 1891 — CONSPIRACY. [ARTICLE]

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The rumors about the Thurston conspiracy to āssassinate the Queen are increasing and the native people have become very uoueh excited. An onimous fact is that the "P. C. Advertiser" is purring soothingly in its export resume. When that old organ begins to aver that everything is quiet and all right with more than usual insistence, it is about the worst sign that ean cast a shadow of coming troubles

o It is said that a meeting was held last Saturday evening, MessrB, Thurston and Wundenberg taking most active part, while a considerahle proportion of the meeting opposed the proposed rescw"t to arms. Another meeting was held lait night. It is said that the plan is to go out on a Bteamer and eapture Her Majestv on the w^en. We wish we could repeat whāt we said before, that we Uhought it an idle rumor, but the signs are too marked to be mere ehanee inventions. If the Hawaiian people have a spark of manhood left they will let no handful of traitors take nosses6ion <>f theīr conntry. Are you Hiiwaii}ms ail cownr(ls and traitors ? If you are not buy a rifle aiul be prepnrcJ to defend your country «nd Q'U'cn if the tinie conres when . ,they are in need of defi'noe.

That our printer nuule a lm<) | !uist;tkt» vest*.Tday sottmg for • -kiu.- i