Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 207, 3 Iune 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That the number of suicides eommitted by men aTid women from unfulfilled promists made in the sweet mahope, has increased since the southerly weather has set in. That thereisa leper at the Insaue Asvlurn, who was declared by the Board of Health a non-leper since his msanity } probai)lv to avoid expense and trouble. That Hon. G. B. Palohau died at Kalawao, of la grippe. from want of medieal attention. That over one hundred have died of la grippe at the Leper Settlement, | Molokai, proving tne unwholeeomeI ness of the plaee for sick people. j That an attempt was made, by ; eniissH.ries of ex-ministers, to induce Lieut. Kaaha of the Housel)M]d Cluords to allow the guws and ammunitions to be taken away from the Barracks. Now is the time for ever_v Hawauan to urovo himself. That it is a good thing that arch traitors to principic and country, like such things in human shape as Messrs. Kawainui and. Poepoe are, were not in a position of honor and trust as that held Kaaha, otherwise there wonkl have been a possible show for some of the decapitated office holders to get into trouble. ——— That it is cowardlv to blame Wiicox for somebody's conspiracy. The same dirty lititle farce was tried before, at the expense of the public, headed by the present parties, dur« ing the Damon and Thurston administration. That it is wonderful how well: Honolulu gets along without a queon, a premier, or a marshal; it is li:irdcr to get nlong without water and without li<ihts. That to such an extent has the 4k war scare" afiect<»d some uf our soft-brainetl h'iole politicians that n number of native i>arsons coming in to town fr«:m tke Palama direction were mistaken for i mnrclung in to attack the poliee station. Taat our exhibit at Chicago sliould ineluile at least one native of Hawaii, who ehoukl s*o as c<»m--inisSBi«iiier in chnrge to dcinoustrate to the wor!d that wo are not eavages still in t'ue l)rt k ash*i'loitt sUto of devol<»pm«,ht. / i

That tho outside whiskey dealersi say they have permission from the Marshal. How eap that be? That the hula is growing in favor by the patronge of an ex-miinster. That Bix people read every copy of Ka Leo. .Uoiue up and subscribe and help the good People - ought to consider it a duty to supp©rt the only livo and fearless papēr in the Jvingdom. Tbat the Captain of the Royal Guards attended the suspicious nieeting of the Thurstopi Jaction.* That brave offic«r will probably prevent any bloodshed. _■ ■ & That the poliee station is garrisoned and gnardecL night(y We would be sorry to see a fight betw«en the missionaries aud the j Queen's soldiers; but we could 100k 1 on with as niueh eoneem as at the, burning of sonaebody elee'a property. | We are not in it, you will distinctly understand. That the arrival of so many parsom from the-other islands has to some of our feather-weiglit poli- j ticians assumed the aspect of an! army of Egytian locusts, ready to j overthrow Cleopatra, murder Mark ! Anthony, and make Hawaii tribu- i tary to the great Republic! IIoly: i Csesar! '