Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 206, 2 Iune 1891 — NEWS AND NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The British troops entered Manipur recentiy. and fonnd the plaoe totally deserted. In an inclosure was discovered the heads of Commissioner" Quinion and others of the English uarty. Wednesday th« "Empress of īndia,?' the first of the Canadian Pa* cific Line Bteamers, arrived at Victoria. B. C., exactly 10 days, 4 hours. and 36 minutes from Yokohama—the quickest trip on record. The statement is m-ide that Mr. D. L. Moody, the evangelist, has given asum of money toward establishing a Roman Catholic Church in Xothfield. This is liberalism gone mad.

The Rothschikls decline to make a loan of monev to Russia iinleFS the Jewish be stopped. This will.be qu te embarr;)ssing to the government of f?he Czar just now; the government has reiented.

The coming encyclical letter of Po.pe Leo XIII, ; s said to be one of the most ii»portant state documents ever issued. It will be quite long and will discuss all phases of the social qucstion. It will no doubt be a winning card for the Papacv. The letter will appear about the lst of June.

The cruel war between the British and the Manipuris in India still continues with the advantages decidedly in favor of tha British. Their successes- have, however. cost someihing in the lives of officers nnd soldiers. The natives fight bette.r since 4 'Christian ,, JEnglanel taught them her wavs of destruction.

An announcement is hiaeie whole conimunity in Hungary, who huve heretofoi*e followed the pursuit of bn\s;ant3ago, are abi»ut to ernigrate to Americu. The reason for this move is that the :iuthorities recently policed the districts, and brigandage is hereaftcr likely to Ih* a inolested opiuipalion, henee tho thieves are >ir lor AmerioavV

; I Thi» great enthusiaBm ereated bv | tlie I;r. Koeh iyniph for the cure [of tubereulosis is fast \iying out. |It has heen ;tband6ne(i in ali tne | New York hoiJj>italB. «here there ' \wri< five iiundred patients ix iiur troated l»y it. Men wili some dav tind out thiit .there an» no ouref ulis in a worid