Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 206, 2 Iune 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That Ifer Majosty is at Lahaina to-day with her suite. That Sam *and Charlcy appear to be on good terms, in eompany bf the Queen, and tL. t between them they have Aml the new cabinet. That for making money easy, A. S. Hartwell, thinks that Hawaii is good enough for him. "'-~ThārCharley Molteno ean gcrape any man's face elean, and if people will allow him, he will shave as close as 'tother man. That all government buildiugs iis well guarded against eonstitutional makers and ehieken thiefs. t That the Union Street Parson i preached a solid seriuon on the i wayward wanderer. How he did jlayitdown! That the rifie association meets to*night. That the way īn whieh Britaniiia Street is being macadamized is an example of good road making. That the citv water mains are
connected with the artesian well system and that the water does :rot have head enough to rise to the sec©nd stories. The result is great iucr--.iv .iienee to people living ou -'.'ouiul floors and is Jikelv to eontinue so for s«veral months; no official is to blame in the matter; it is fate. That certain of the white school teachers have gotten eheap living down finer than the natives. They seem to use less food and less soap. That in Hilo all the plantations send in a sack of sugar every month to a certain judge. His Honor is supposed to be a silent partner in a down-town c©3ee shop. That the corner-stone of the new fbreign church will be ceremoniously laid to-morrow at 12 o'c T ock Laying a corner-atone nfter the walls are up is a type of a hundred shams and humbugs that survive their original and ostensfble uses.
"Th.at flmrhwnd.reil la»lves turning out to meet the Queen*-\vas a nvost astounding event, but the wonder of it rests .60uie.\v.hat in the naeaning put upon tne wors V iadv. ? That Professor ScottJ in his ieeture bcforc the Science and Art S.(K?iety at the V. M. C. A. Ilali .last niglit niude sunio interestii)g' Bpōeuiations on the trieks of t!ie microbe. lt is )>clieved lh.it the persevoring n.isiTob«» find its \vay -through ali gra<les of liawiuian boeiety. from the lo\vrst to the most exalted, without earehing cold by having it« ti i»ipcrat.uro lowered helow biood heut.
That six Japanese havo applied i for admittance to the rifle association- Tbe planters may find that the Japanese have. ideas t>eyond hoeing eane and livirig on rice and weods. That the large Japanese steamer leaves to-day. having disc!Targed ner cargo of human chattels on the shores of the Paradise of the Pacific. That a )*oung jonrnalist, greatly in need of sonie »aving gra.ee, was asked why he did n©t attend Port Street-Church. He answered languidly that the chorus in that institution did not eonie ud to his idea of youth and beauty. \V r e were going to suggest that the deacons attcnd to the ma4ter at onee; but it is likelv a nian so depraved as to speak fiippantly of sacred things could not be saved even. by the most perfect applianccs.