Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 205, 1 June 1891 — HAWAHAN DECORATION DAY. [ARTICLE]
While the pr<»cesi?ion Omnd«Arii]y of the Kepuhlie #is m»rching through tl>e <stee<ita oa thoir wav to <lecrrate the gra,yes of thc ; ir cj)j»rafle3 in tho c(?inetery, )?everal Hawaiians wore h<»nrd to r(Miiark• k, The thirticth of JuJy is mii' doōoration <lay." And !iathing is more appropriate. the" dav will he oi»servo<t \vifh fi{tm£ c"« rin<jnies. I/'t overy lL'iwaiian wi.o hLts -tt"-Fpark of love <'.r lns » oa!ilrv ;hul hatred lbr.the fiire:£n yw!;c i>;<) o\.?tj£d\ i\iu\ ».!V.ce :l li-tribut« ori ti;o g/;ivci of thosō hrave IIHV/aiiwiīa \voro r-hot down l;y niis- «• i-jr.:vry..s<w».and• •inissioriftry hir<>'>n -.lluvtliirtiftth of J«iy -1830.