Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 205, 1 June 1891 — AN INVISIBLE CITY. [ARTICLE]

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The■■.l>us:ness of constrv;c;'{.incr ] cities and making ■ desert places j to boom on ;paper, is an infant j industry in this country. whieh (10-! serves to be cnrefully fostered | It Ls a great advautage to e]er&s, I teachers, artizans, tiieir | earning and invest in real estate! and so lay the ground-work of a home of thcir own. . Too maijy fritter away their wages in tritks, finiali luxuri';>s, and di??ipatioiis. Tliose who buy corner lots in a paper citv will hnve their nioncy safe and fast wbere the n oth doeth | not corrupt th;eves break in' and steal, and where he ean never spend it foolisnly. Pcarl City | is situated 011 a fin© litho<rraphed īnap gottc-n l>y the Schinidt Lahel and Lithograph comp:*ny forthe Oahu Land and Rail Road Co., a laek of experience is shown by giving only a ground plan; it is usual to give prospectire views of hotels. schools, residences, i ehurchesx ond busy streets. When the American governiu.ent opens up Pearl Harlx>r, Honolulu may move unanimously out there. It is thought that freight will be landed there in order to bring it into Honolulu over % Mr. Dillipg* ham*s rail road. People are gaing ; out there to ;build residences and ; make the trip back and forth every j day to attend to their business in ! towh, —it only takes about half a ; day and $1.50 for fare. The plaee is well supplied with sea w*ter whieh lies in a thin layer a mudbottom. i Thc scenery is mag« nificent beyond the power oi jpen to dificr;be; biitnone <>f it can| be seen firom Pearl City on account of the distance. Though we never expect to own a corner \oi in this coming metropolis, we wish the young enterptise well, and hope to $ee the time when the crabs and mud-hens of Pearl Harbor vrill furnish suste-! iiftnco for forty milhons people. >;:..\ "' |' \\,\;; \"| \; r %.- That our Huntsman is anythtng but a dutiful i Tiuiothy to his PauL However, we have hope», now thtt ho is awrtv from Hiio'» bogus Chris« tiaDity, that ho wiil ik'eouie' more tractublo.