Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 204, 29 Mei 1891 — THE CHARGE OF THE DEUTCH BRIGADE. [ARTICLE]
Half a blo' k, hah' arl>]ork, half a block onwar<J, Down to the Royal Hotel Pli'oele the thr«e hun«3red. ■Wilcox t<i the right of them; Wagner to the left of them ; Lager becr in iront of lliem > Polieemen all won«ler£cl. / Was!-there a man'<leiayed?'. Was there a mah ilismayeil? No ■ but for beer they craved clamorcd a:i(l thun<lered; lnlo the Roval Hotel niarched. the three hun(iml. Bring forth the Lasjer Beer! That 7 s what has- brought us liere! We'll cash'..up nēv'ii* fear ■!■ Yelled the three hundred. ■We'll put our foes to rout With LembuTger and Sawer Kraut, An<l fire the mi»istei>- out; Gallant three hun<lred. We'io not a bi<i afraid , Of anv >sea mer-maid , 0r any *ea nier-mar,s I)rv houdret .Sliennan?. Nr-w\vi:l maroh around - From Pah to the :-ca do\vn, And ail tlnse \va<;s we'll dro\vjij For laughing ut tho.se Bhermans. Then skout v. irh might and mian Over liill and over plain, For liberty we'll gain,' * By the charge of t'nese brave Germans. Honor tlieHe deutcher.s dear! Honor their Lager Beer! Now give ihem all a cheer! Ncble three hundred.