Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 204, 29 Mei 1891 — NO COMPROMISE WITH WRONG. [ARTICLE]
The seizure of the bark S. C. Allen is a good beginning in the right direction. The next step, if tlie vessel has l eew atlowed to trespass th 1 law of the country, is to condemn and sell lier; and if possible punish the owners and those employed ab<-)ard the vessel, who are responaible inthe matter. The authorities, who have the execution of the law in their }iands sh<mld carry it out without impaitialitv, as has been ofteu practiced heretofvire. Only in extrem« cases, and for good fo»sous should tlis cretion nnd m<)deration beexor< ised. The baref.iced su:Ug|j;!ing doue of late sliO'.vs in what, u low condiu<»n our morals haw f.»i)en, whr:» n<jwspa]>ers iook on and s.iy .: ,: • i\i •*.