Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 201, 26 Mei 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That the eook of the bark S. Q. Wilder stayed home this time, having had a vision that his liberty wouId be circumscribed if he eanie to Honolulu. That Port Surveyor IIolt—in hunting for opiuna on hoard~the Wilder foutid a niee little negt fiir it. but the b ; rd had fluwn. Hard luek for the catcher, but good luek for the suiuggler. That the "League" is quietiv ~ nest!i:!g aiul brooding, and if it <lōes not get iousey sHting to long, it will trv hard tohatch this summer T before the winter montiis sets in and stop all operations. That the Marshal will leave, if he goes at all, the puhlie peaee in charge of the Leo. We will gua» rantee to stop Wilcnx until he com*»s haek, and not urge annexa» ilion until the Queen has another j trial on the Throne. I That Charles has awoke from I his Rip Yan Winkle nap, and is going to do something sure. Never | too late to repent, provided you | mean it« Baptism by immersion ; is what the Minister requires to be regenerated and revitalized. ! That Hon. Nohle Poor is with the Premier, and with the Captain S forms the Minister's suite. i That His Excellency S. Parker ! will make an out door maiden speech at Wailuku if the weather is nct too blustering.That ex-Attornev Geīīeral Rosa is a strong candidate for the Law Department vice the resignation of the cabinet. h: ; i That ex-Attorney Genfral PeterjSonappear dissatisfied at ex-At-st«>rney Rosa's attention. When Greek mens Greek then comes the L:iger Beer. i That the U P. C. Advertiser" has discovcred another Crank, this |time in the base ball league, He mav be a ehip of the old hloek. That the lepers are sufienng very mueh at Kalaupapa and Kalawao* That the Queen will be at Wailuku on Friday next when there will be tendered her a big feast, & ball % etc. That the books of Aeeouni of the Bureau of Education are just about one year behind. If the autocrat who has so long condescended to act as Secretary to the above Hon* orable Body feels himself ii\jured by the statement now made, and if it l>e false we will be only too happy to be corrected. That prisoners do all thc bookkeeping and clerical work lor Oaha Jaii mills being in fbr nine y*ars there is no danger of the Prkna needing there a book keeper, but there īa a po8itMm wa)ling ibr Mr. Evans who U expected in T|iat Mr. H» A, P. Carter haa gone to Europe } and is prohablj in Germahy by thi& time, Some have hint«d that bo Kas to »ee the voung Eroperor of Gi)nnany and show him how to b« abfo to mainiain neaee in Kimipe aml kt*|i tho Rutsian boar quiet «ml imih ble put hiiu in Bisinarck v $ farmer