Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 201, 26 May 1891 — A MAN OF MERIT. [ARTICLE]
We to chll public attention | to a deserving young m&n who site on tho jHdicial bench in a re«uote viiiage in Hawaii, \vhose talents as an e.\(>outHler of the law and the guardian of the liherties of naen may ultiniatelv secure hini a po« sition iu the : supreme court Mr. Harnard of Hawaii, formuUted tho proposition that t contract laborer must work whether he got paid or not There had long* heen a feeling among the planters that i this ought to be ihe ia\v, but remained ft>r Mr. Barnard to put the proposition into form and effect. It was an invention of the greatest possibiluies; and if |udiciouBly ft>l!oweil up mny he tho iueans ojf rescuing our uiori* bund sugar iudustry from annihicath»n lf w;e do not have to p«y Ihe laU)rs «n<l thoy ean nnbsist on w«H?ds, wo uiU surely bc abl*\U) tompete wiUi Cuba % or any otlier couutrv.