Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 201, 26 Mei 1891 — H EX. THE MINISTER OF FINANCE. [ARTICLE]
Mr. Widemann, in his present| mcumbency, -has heen verv far| from doing all that could have heen expected from the Jate 'eaUer of the National Party. Therefore the Leo has not been able to endorse all the acts of thc Minister of Finance, nlthough we are ready to support hina whenever he proves that he wishes to do what is right. and if he shovvs a faithful respect for the p<)licy of the party. j to whieh he and ourselves beJong. | We are wiiling to the fail-' ings of his personal character, his i irascibiiity and cranky notions, whieh make him at timer unfit for a ministej*ial position. At any rate. whether friend or foe, ws "would liko to hear from the Minister of Finai3ce, about the slamW leeent\y j publishecl by the reform polilieal organ the "I\ C. Advertiser," whol accused him of solling Hawaiian governn:eirG bonds for le is than I their market value. The stain of i trifiin2C witii the government tre;:s-J ury is st;!l on the bright minis-: terial honor. It shou!d be wiped I out, (he reputation and honor oi! our Minister pf Finai\ce ought not | to be ailowed to be suliied by the j base imputations of a scurrilous political organ. Surely the gentieman is not going to sit inactive while the "Advertiser" says thus of him, and whieh gains eredit by the very j silen€e kept in the matter. lf Mr. Wideuiann will send in to iis his denial of the charge and the offieiai explanation of the wholō affair, we will publish it. furnish a literary artM to his statements into a way that wili just' act like physic on that torpid, old organ of the circumloc«tion oHiee.