Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 200, 25 May 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That the Marquis of lao wiil resign iu favor of a Wells. He will probab!y retire on his role as a l«jgislator.

That Maui proposes to excel Haw;iii in receiving the Queen. It is a kind of hoopilimeaai business that generally results in disappoiutnieni.

That Marshal \Vilson intends ta leave next Tuesday for Maui.

That since the directions hy the Board of Healih for the relief and cure of la grippe. people are dying faster, — That if a maa gets so erratic as to forget what his promises are and wilifully breaks them, it is good to have that man bnried alive.

Thafc when Mr. H.A.P.Carten Bj>ends $23,(K)0 a year -to make people bacchanalians and to have them fee| good to support the interests of sugar planters, he is ealled smart, and the people that get drunk with him, are called chrietians; but when a Hawaiian is sent on a mission, and he suoceeds in obtaining what he is sent for, eontrary to the wishes of the missionary and his friends, then they eaU him .a haeehanalian sot, and the people he is sent to, pagans, heathens. This is about the way the P. C. and the Protestant Christians measure themselves and Qthe*s while the real difference is that some of these church bacehanalians Swill behind the d«or and iraagine they do not expose their intemperance, by their bloated eondition. '

That the Eulleiin u cat" thinks he has struck something awful in the Sj»moan Mission fr v om Hawaii; bnt poor ll pnBs" forgēts that peopie see him very often, too often for his own good, with his mug attached to a bting-hole in some Bacchanalian Templē on Merchant Street, eyes bulging out, like a toad, with a stomach tighter than a tick, and prett} r well dazed before the uoon hour.

That the Hawaiian Mission to Samoa was the means ofstirring up Unele Sam to eall those two South Sea pirates, who were about to divide somebody elses little kuleana, to a halt, is something that rankles in the bosom of sonae of our professing hypocritical frienda. They would like to find something to say, about Bush> but not knowing anything wrong of him here, they draw oa their imaginatiouB elsewhere to fite at him, Fir* away I with your iroaginatiou and we wiU i meet you with present *ruth.

That ex-minister Brown is ning tbe Finance Dep&rtineni aad tbe Post Offic«.

That &fter taking offioe Xr,Hiil« is i>ow to be tmted as lobb)ty boy, by a enink, «ho does not denUy know what hii dutm as a puhlio oflicer; ihat Mr. HiH, went into oflico under certain un* derBta!Klings with the Cabln«t, •nU mow |mrticular!y with tho ip* proval of the Minister of Fin«aot, wul he propoM to cerry the&t onl or rtoiKn ( a» ho ju*Uy M no man eaa tem two minialm.