Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 198, 21 May 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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That ali the Lepers were takeri away last Taeeday, except a fe\v who were under a apeeial dißpenBatiou from the powers that be whose orders poor President Dayton wa» unable to gainsay. Oh ! what a life to be made a plaything, to be kicked aboiit t first by the Board, then by seme one elee. It would make & man sick to be made a football r atid we caanot \inderstand how a person ean stand it. It makea us disgusted tō see such a farce in Vh« exercise of public duties.

That th*e Board of Health, for onee had to back down last Tuesday, in' : the eaee of Mr. Hobron, and a child ®f the late Sai»uel Maikai. So that the immaeula.ie, the upright and impartial Board of Health, had to eat dirt. Whieh re-■Binda-u'B ef how, one of the present members of the Board, who waa a great ehampion of freedom onee. turned a elean somersault, and i« n«w right the #pposite way, ready and willing to b»ry a aaan alive right or wroog. That the Paradige of the Pacific $hoold be published in Japanese for circulation in Japaa where all •or inußigraU*n ia recruii at present. ' That through the energj of iU guardians a young child, whieh was ta have been buried alive laßt Tueaday, and whoee funeral waa to have been perform#d «n tbe Kilanea Hou, &nd wh*se bu rial plaee the Leper Sfetileūtent on Molokāi, wae Ii Appears -ihai ih* poor littl« fellihr Wa® ctndesined unueen by ihe Board, a*d when mmi of it m«tabērß w«re aaked to reeiaaiinē the little un&rtaiiate, the applieani traa waved out of the office, with ooe of tho»« knowing BEail«B, "VTe k-now what we are deinf." The guai '\an not sati«fied, however, forcei he President to look ai ihe cbiiJ, and Mr. Carter retnrning to theHealth offiee* [unfort«nately for him, as he ia said to be the most anxious to s«nd the sklt away wiihout taking a look ai them and see for himse|fj, eaw the child who was as perfect evidently as any one. The on!y satisfaction was a grunt, and that the child did not appear the eanie as he was told.