Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 197, 20 May 1891 — OUR MARSHAL. [ARTICLE]

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A certain sworn fltatement l>y C. H. \\*ilson to L, A. Thurston made ia Jan«i«ry, 1888, has been placed in our posBession whieh Marshal WilBon elaima to exonerate him from the imputation made in the Legislature in a epeeeh by his Ex. C. W. Ashford and others fr©m whieh we made the allusion to liim in an editoriali.i our veßterday'B ih-flue, in regard to his having betrayed the original W r ilcox conspiracv. We are glad that our renaarks have given the gentleman an opportunitv, and we wiii give him all possible ehanee to plaee himself correctly before the public.