Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 196, 19 Mei 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


That at the serena<Jc given to some of the tourists at the Hotel a fēw evenings ago one of the sertnaders was |»revailed upon to give a Bpecime.«i of hula kui. Havi ng bec©me absorbed in the sensuous representation he was with difficultv induced to refrain by his £riends who have grave doubts about the propriety ofgiving the'whole ofit, and thnt he might exhaust himself iu exfremis.

That there is a "\vhite" gamblingden on Fort Btreet that is attracting oonsiderable attention just at present. Several employees of the poliee station are seen in att<»ndanee. Perhaps it woiild bc just as well for Marshal \Vilson to find out how mueh his subordinates receive for patronising thisinstitution It might be well to remember that there was onee a theory that it was the Marshars business to enforce the law; perhaps it has been temporarily suspended.

That thc yesterdav contained two very timely and pertinent articles in regard to the Post Olhee service, confirming whit we have many times said of this department We are glad the U P. (j Advertiser" bēgins to feel at libertv to criticise oĀieial misfnanagement and corruption. The other TQit;r3 to Cha9. Mahooe, the wooden, tho impenetrable, the uncircuaiventable, the inspired obstructionist, the hloek in the wheela cf the goverment machinery. If the :'P. C. A." is going to advance we will not aeeuae it of plāgiarism.

That Dep. Marshal Mehrtens and ex-Attorney Peterson, while feeling poetic, last Saturday, took a drive along the beach, bey©nd the Heads sōutheast of the town, only to hear the wild waves say, Where, oh. where is that o-p-i-u-m buried«

That ü blood-lettmg" a fraternal freemaBonary sort of blood baptism was perforaied by the Marshal, by pr«xy, and an ex-Attorney-General, Thie weird and interes ting ceremony was p6rformed late last week in the regions near the Smuggler's Den.

That the great fisfaor of Chinese, Mr. Asieu, who was to hate obtained three tkousand inore Blares for our slave 'Wnī gla<f to get baek agāin to Hawaii nei in his natnral Bkin. We are credibly informed th»t owing to telegraphic informatioa offlcially reoeived from WashiugUn b7 the Cbineae Government, a little street notice was placarded offering a gift of one thousand dollars for the caudal appendage and attachment thereU belonging to the proselyte of our Christian churches, and who was engaged largely on thiB misBion on account of the brethre«B' sugar interests. The syBtem of workiog the devil out and wedging in Christianity between the pdepers from the brawnv 6st of our pla»tation Blave drivers, havmg beei; found tō make the Chines« develop those rare Christian graces of meekneaa and docilitv, and himself being a first fruit, he was oon--Bidered a very fit messenger to sead like Peter,to fish after more heat hens in the interest of the good oause. But the Chrietian Asieu has return-

ed in eTident basto, and like th<* P*or fiBh«rmen #f Oalilee, wit«out suoce<Mling in env«igling any one of his poor countrymen int# hia manstealing toils.