Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 195, 18 Mei 1891 — BLOOD. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


We hear that one of our popular youpg men has reBolved to den3oliBb the Adverti«er reporter. This is reBolution we fi»lly app|-ove. We aro informed that the genileman in qu§Btion is not ®nly one of the raost skillful bae<e-balligtB and a popuJar society leader, but also;hae a pedigree that g«*9 wsy jnto the nebulou« i» thc £®bulo«ity extends to eompan* tive(y modern times.

Though we are no long*»r on the tapis ourselvfs, aiill we symyathise with the aapirations of a young man to attract attention. Let him fasten hin)Belf to the _ladi#s where yer he ean find thero, and otherwiee eohduct hina6elf in a loud ttne of conver»ation and manner Ba that people ean liear his flighte of wiadom aud see his gtyle; they help very raateriaiiy to draw attention. Then to add to hie fame, if any newapaper reporter gives him credit in print for what he doee, ali he haa to do to make the world under«tand his perfections and gentleroanly demeanor, ig to Vans the journalist in the face, goUge hig eyes out. ehew a pieee of his #ar, and turn him lose. Thie, perhapB' may benaore difficult than the mashing act, but a real gentleman will sūcceed.