Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 193, 14 Mei 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That a petition will bc presented to Mr. Cleghorn, asking for Mr. Plaee'e divorce from Grossherzog Eduard it having been discovered that the unhappy and hasty c#mbimation was a mesalliance. That the Marquis ©f lao fearing that La ecriope would take hold of hiB little frame, ia now ueing the the strong preventive — without quinine. That regret is expressed at Band Master Berger's illness, whieh necessitated his return bj the Kinau. We wish the genial ProfeBsor a speedy recovery. That the Secretary of the Board of Health is done|with La Grippe; if that august body is not impervious to this unpleasant visitor, how eaa we poor mortals escape. That the Attomey General wiil 1 chaperon Her Majesty threughout her tour to the windward ielands; and that in the meantioie, the government will remain in statu quo, until the two heavy weight ministers return. That ex-Minister Thurstoc escorted the Assessor from Maui and saw him safely aboard the Claudin«, after giving Henry fuli instr«ctions in regard to the starting •f the reform party campaign on Maui. That upon the arrival of the new Manager of Spreckelsville Plantati#n, Hugh Center, at the Wailuku Railroad Depot, his valiBes were seized by the agents protege Mr. William Plaee, who took them to the Wailuku Baloon for investigation ; he declared that the valises were enciente and that he w®uld be obliged t# play the midwife, whieh he did successfully finding no opium. Mr. Center, recovered his valises, while Mr. Plaee recovered his nerves with some of Euward's whiskey
That the al>sence of the President ef the Board of Educiition from his «Meiaia duties is a diB- - aud that his actiou in the Board by proxy is c»untenanced. is high-handed and absurd, and shows how power is iliegitimaiely used by members of the Board, and that if Mr. Bishop intends to institute bankB and gather more filthr lucrein foreigu countrieB, he ought to b« willing to r<»sigtt and allow the olhee to be honestly adminis> tered. That Bek« ie bemg guard«d wilh eannona and barricadee in the formerlv quiet village of Moanalua. This lady was attached during a number ©f administrati*ne to tk« Pinanee Departm©nt and eoeoia now a lone prisoner. That Hon. Robert Wiloox is having a hone built at Kapiolani Park, there to eaterUiu the mafia tBBociation. That the whole weight of th» govern»enUl management lies he«vily on Hermannsi ahouHen; he w'ill be as3isted mahope by Charlie. That the Queen received a glo* rious receptien at Hilo. Priac* Baker as chief committeemAH e*certing her to the shv\iv, where the rv»val lady wae received by tbe eft*ci«de. The Queen cn*b*rked a douhle c*noc caßop<ed like Cko< patra Vbarg* the whele making a tplendid p*ge*nt ef reyal That the CaUnet has decided finally lo make a change in tbe (\m»ulahi)i ai the !Vrt of FrancieccK whtch Ueeiaion will ineww» ihe pepul»riiy ef the mdmī+ UatKMi. |Mirlicularly that of ihe Mineler of Fore4fn Affiiira. i