Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 193, 14 May 1891 — OUR NEW POSTMASTER GENERAL. [ARTICLE]

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The resignation of the late Fo&t- -! master v General gives geod satia|faction. For a long time this i paper has persistently advocated the necesBity of a change # in accordance with the expreBB desire ©f the Legislature, but owing to an under-handed and an unpnncipled coalition between the late administrations and the leaders of the reform party, justice has been delayed until now, «The well-fenown party spirit and unscrupulous zeal displayed by the late Postrnaster General in favor of his party created quite an unfavorable opinion in the publio mind, as well as in that ©f his political opponents t against him,j whieh was not at all lessened by the yindiciire and arbitrary dismissals of the Clerks of the Postal Bureau.

We notice that Mr. Walter I&ll, formerly editor of the "Daily Bulletin," haB been appointed to suc ceed the retiring Poatmaster GeneraL Mr. Hill is a man of an even and equable disposition, of sound principles, and is well and favorable know to the community. We feel assured that the administration of the Postal affairs of the country, will be well and impartially cond»cted. The appcintment is not a party one, as Mr. Hill is known to belong to neither party, but claims to be an advocate for the "benefit of all." We wish the new i?»cumbent success in the dischiirge of his duties.