Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 193, 14 Mei 1891 — EXIT POSTMASTER GENERAL. [ARTICLE]
The univfrsal wiehee of almost every voter of the Heform Party have at last been gratified, by the tardy reßignati»n of the late incumbent from the oflice he ee arbitrarily managed. He rendered himself so obnoxious by his per--Bonal and pelitical conduct, that the National Party in eaueua repeatedly asked for hie removal, aod the late Cabinet plēdged themselreB to disniiBB him, but v it suited the purposeB of the late Minister tf Financ« to retain him in office. The present Cabinet have tardily rec#gnized their duty in the preuuscB. The puhlie long ainee l>ecame disgusted with the political vaulUng of the PostmaBter, and have g xxl reason for being opposed t# him.
That the haan ball report«rof the P. C. A. ii in danger of being baUed by a wild pitcher.