Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 192, 13 Mei 1891 — WORLDLINESS IN THE CHURCH. [ARTICLE]
The greatest danK«r to the «hurcb ofGod to-day Bpring9 from the gpirit «f worldline6B whieh ie invadinf it. The criticiBm ean be justlj made that the church ia used by multitudeB as the arena *f fashioxi. They ro there U display their spleadid apparel and to Bēe what their neighbor« or strang*»rs are wearing. Fine feather«, coatly laeea, seai ikini, silks and ]ve!veU, are nore to such w»rshippere of mamnion than t#xta of Scripture, or correct #zpMiti*ns ef them The lust of the eye and the pride of life a(Toni the moat subtle and p«rilous f»riuo of temptation. Thousands are unc«tiariro«sly sobjecUd these tetnptationB, and becauie their victinos without being fully aware of it iheoaaeWea. S<* little do they koew their own hearU »iid »eorft itnpulses, that probably they weuld reseat wilh ac«rn theaccu&&-
tion of bing worl(3ly and of enterii)g the sanctuarj 10 sb»w off their fineries, c-r to s*e the hat« and cloaks of other ladies Yet thia is too often and too sadly th© exact truth. The proof «f it is that guch people atay away from diyine B€rvices when th«r haye u nothing to wear/' whieh meana when their garments are just a little out of gtyle; or when they cannot hope t# see a fine array of new hats and flowers.—Ex. We were urged to publlsh the above, when readmg an item in the HulleUn, that a feast would be given at the Parlors of the Union Church by ladies, to merrow afternoon. It will nōt surprise us, to see, in addition to the luneh, to have the hula giv«n as an attraction.