Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 191, 12 Mei 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
That when our Poliee Justice Btrikee out, he sometimes provee himself a pure Bcientific slogger. That thoee whoee consciences are sot very clear consider Evans' sentence an outrage. Look out for the nest! That the Premier will leaffe by the Malulani this morning to meet her Majesty and get rid of la grippe .' The Board of Health should put their grip on the Mimster and plaee him in quarantine. That the illustrious and most nohle the Marquie of lao is in the city, with his "Tax Asse«Bor-in-Chief," both big Injine from the Rock Beds of Haleak&la; that they bring the calumet ol peaee from the reform party on Maui, and if agreeable the ceremony will take plaee in the government wigwam between the Finance Mmieter and the nvble Haniuie. the expense of the pow-wow to be fized on to th« poor tax payer« by the plimnt tax ae9e6Bor. That a yaocoom wili be created ia īho Alhion Club «n accoont ol B*m'B absenoe but will Bcarcely be noticed in-hie office. That J. A. C.*t oew paper w&ats tx> know what the Cabinet'B t>olicy is ud eeho answere : Just the eame as the J. A. C. Cabinet. That H. A. P. Cartor*B rasigMtka ia the firet popular act peflonued by him. That PH&ee <.rchibaki will be to Kive the great naUon mct*m the pond a ehanee to hear a r*al live pnaw. Th*t the Me ol Waikipa will be»ltachdd to the Hawaiian Legatio& at Wwhi«gtoß; the executioo of the "nhbit aet" wUI be lelt to aobk lao. That the minietenal etockhoKier« o( the Bulletiii are cettinc w«erted with the moatOM !ol their " eai " aml an lookinf oot ter aaoth*r e4itorial puaey. That the »o»ly fwf>fawīoii>| wiil th«a dart a we*kly th«mdemr <»ot ehUMM) whkh wiUparaty»eewybodv— hinieeU |lret. That the Qab»i»t ha« aMre4 aU tbe reforwo«cial>that they areaU la» a» Um Oabieet (• U Mr. Baak *iU lmm
That ifc is character!etic for oar good and miBBionary town that all the virtuouegood and church-going women and girlsrusbed down U the OSSCo.'s whaii to eeo snch a woman as Madame Bara Bernhardt. With W ashington the ladies may exclaim; Exitus acta probat f