Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 190, 11 Mei 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
Thnt -ther* ia * iniiul reader in Mtrchaiit strect who «xceU SlaU»r and the Uto Bishop> ami thnt his 'Bf;mcf9 *re weH Htletided. That it was fortttn*te fnr Sarah thāt the wind did not blow her &way when at the Pali. That when thn great Sar»h Bern* hardt nv the wonderful turnout «ent to tbo Btoamer fwr her »he aze]ninied, M Ah» Mon Dieu! what iav Do m takes me f»»r C)eof»atr* or Vaoua? ! won*t haYe «e ch*riet I walk in te hacY That the triai of Kvana renanJa ua nf the o)d atory aKmt Ihe priauiier who waa aaked: v.uilty or aot guttyr, aad who antw«fad; How oan I anawrr bef»a- I ht*r Iha avidtno» f
there tv { »s a moral pre&3ure on the p.os«utor n the Evnns cas« whieh r.i?db. him toe the m«irk. Tn»t a recess tfas tafeon m the R vans case at 12 oVl«ck to allow an ttttorriejr a elianee to go to the Hotel an<l waeh tlw opiuni sme)i ont of his moustache. That onr eHte u intendj% to present llf.r Majrsty" ou her birthwith a piano of native wooil «ii'i that a suhBcription is heirg f iken up f*r *hst p«rpose and that {.n l«ivai tfX-ntarshal and dealer m thc ni?inos 13 the disinteresteil yro!»»oter rf the Keheme. That owing to a rerhark in FridaVs Ka Lko the pillars cf Fort Street Church are Rerionsly eontemplating to declare a dividend. That the X. Y. JournaliU says that. ihe Leo edited by Mr. Bush is of great iniluenee amo«g the natives. That the editur is a S«-'-VPnth Day Adventist, and to>ay the ]<Mbt, "somewhat fear»ess in both politics and religion." That Minister Carter has resigned as Minister to \Vashington. This iraplics want of confidrnce in the present Cabinet and a grnt!cmanly regard to the wishes of th« Hawaiian People, ās expreesed by their oniv representative organ Ka Leo o ka Lahui. How different Minister Carter is fr*om his reiatives.
That there is one thing the present ad<uinistration excels in, &nd that is in the quantity of road s it eraploys to attend to road work, and tne poor work that 18 done by scme of them ; that for w&nton waste of uieans the ri>ad to Waialae is ahead of them ali, ffnd is not of any credit ,to those wo are being well paid to look after it. That the correspoiident of the P. C. Advert:ser would like io have the people of thtse islands reu>ain in ignoranee ta the trne state of the Pear» Harbor subsidy by the U. S. Congress. The correspondent is like the preacher that coiild not see thc word Gtd written before hiui but eoulei seo a flve dollar pieee placed over the word without the slighUst diflicnUy. That it wmB the "Hialiip," er a Bteauier very :n«ch lik« h«r, that made seveml nocturnal visiUs during the opnim season, at Maunalua. harlx>r t (Ci>co uial at Thurston's Cove, a< it had been rep<vrted; th&t lae excuse for doing that out t.f tho w.*y station wne that the weathcr too bettr outside % aiul thus it brciiM neeoe* eary to unload the ahm of |xirt of iU d«ns*mus fVeijht. whiuh vm buried iu the sand «or futum refer•uee; and tbat «|)eciftl oo«6Ublett &n» ke*ping a watch ow it, eo tkt it »ight not prematuroly be kmi inU tinoke } brtoka or That tho Advertiaor Uunka it« pro&na to speak of thingB *a «K, feartßg iio doubt ti h«r aome unplaaaattt trutba abrmt t d«itif6 af tt a«|ipaitank U|alriclO tit»e fer aoiua ona to tki truth whao wa hava wbo alvoe«ta ita Hefcttfca it tuight toueh bwife*r Mui or Pmm» Ston*. of vi|tera atnl l|f)|eaHlaa Uwt hav» MiiiM at to fill mr «An «Ud in «Mla yo« uttw ahiwliallan» U*4