Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 188, 7 May 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

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j That do\vn goes McGinty, an<l hip name is Fred:ly. ThatrMarshal Wilson is the only man of energy in the government servioo. That a few mure raen, like Marshal Wilson, Mill:ng to stanri by tbeir duty witlio«t fear or favoritism,' are nadiy needed in this eommunity. Thatall tiie honest people are with the Marshal on the opium raket and hope he will be ablj to nab the whole boodle. That the ]'eported fligbt of Thomas Evans i8 a sure index of seare amoMgt?t our opium ariBtocraey, and tliat,. in conactquence, a strain hae been created in upi; er t.en-dom out of whieh grōws alarm as to the amount of tender they aie liable to loeae; but they i intend to trus i to good lue'k aud play the I game to the iast, hoping that legal | tender mereie s wdl deal loziieritlv with j whatever pea[>e-j:(jat they tfaay adv>vnee. Tha.t it was S. H. Kahukula not S. 11* Kupihea, wlO sr.bpended fir,jn practici:i£ in the law coūrts of the Kingdom. That thcir Kxcellenciefi are receiving ♦he attentiont? of Madame La Grippe as well as eommon niortals. That poorEvaiis it; mi<sing the Lord knows where -and liii- i ollcagues tocK Thatthe el anee afl'orded- him by a suspen&ioii oi his ca<e until he return:--j has probab!y ;riwn the gencral the opportiini -y to never return. That Ihe Queer liad two faith curers j with her. I ■ ' | Tuat Sam caujj:ht l.it Cirippe on that I evening of the Mtd. Too mueli gnppe ia ! not good ! That men iave he;iped treasureB for the laf?tday," seems to iind its wi-ĪlUm-tion in the fact, that at the beginninj: jof 111ih centuiy iherc wcre only live millionaires in the l;nited Stales now there are <»ver fi »e hundred of tnem, and even here in Bowow\e there are more than there we *e in tlie U. 8. in the beginning of the ccntury. ~ * That twenty-five South Sea Is!anders 1 have been een i home by tlie brip Taluti; but where th >y will be tanded, is anothwr thing. hieh the government has not provided ior in a substantial \vay. We knewof a shi}>ment for home, that never eaw the r honiea. | "■ ;; > That to adv(rtisf for bids and refusc ! the lowe«t bona flde bid from a bi<lder,' all conditions '&?ing equal, is stmiething that tke oninii iatedcannotumlerstantf, • except ou the general principle, that i govern the v times, that everything goee ' by reveree ord ;r, omo or.Wr ut ail. f i