Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 188, 7 Mei 1891 — CHRISTIAN (?) ENGLAND. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


11 affords ns great r>leQSure to publish from time to lime articles that will give as poor ignorant i?landers an "idea ōf how things are done in the o!d mother <jountry. It is refreshing'aiui instruetive to see fjoiii these artieles in wlneh direction the worlcl īs progressing, and whieh iuay help us, who aire so f ir retnoved from the centers of civi]ization, to realise our wants and enibraee ihe knowledge they contain and applv ,them- to better our condition spiritnally as weil as temporallv. The foiiowing extract from the Open Court speaks for itself A strange blending of Christianity and pag.iniBm was exhibited a few days «go, when the qu<?en of Ktvgland l>aptizedr a ship of wa> with wine; and with ceremonial \vordti that 8->unded like incantati*»ns launehel this iron corsair up.>n ,the Bea, biddir)g it go forth i:pon its malevolent iuission of <lev;ist:it ion and death. llow thin u>u*t be-th« bit of civilized veneering that covers our uative savage-

K'ss. f ven in Ei»gland. whose J iiisi?:on.ines wiib c;iur :gfr V carrv the l i'ole (n-er\Mvber«-. antl ] preach its gospel trt b<?nightKl s «nls ! fro?n "Greeniand'B icy ntoiuitHinß j to IncUa'fi ccral strand. it is tHoi.p;ht j coiisiBteni and cor.genial that such j a s\yaggering bncc:inpcr should he > coffittHssionc:d \y * woman, a ve- j nerabie/and vir£uouB l#dy seventy- ! two years old ! VVith loftvphr;ise : and forni that resenible the bap- j tismul servioe in the prayer-bo«*k, i she named this ugly r«ver after her own son, the Christening h? 1 - • ing done m pjigan fashion hv wine sprinkled c»n the foreher;d oHhe ]ship heneef'jrward to h" knonn in ■ tnischief asi the > u Arthnr." : But the periermanee \vas r.ot ptfg'in ; altogeiher, l3ecanse right there. by | the very si(Je of the queeriv -aiding. ; assisting. and abetting tl:« ;*.<a <»f ; consecra,tion. was a ministvr of the ; t Christian gospeL offering prav*»r. | jgiving to-the ; • sea nionster. ahd invoking theo l o- ! I g?cal potency for its guni>owder and i \ its guns. AVhen the great oannon | 'in the forts, and on the ntte(i<lant iships in tlie bnv, snluted the chris- | tening witii diabolic thunder, the | air heeanie i>oisoned with a brim- | stone flavor, like atmospliere imj ported frona the home of the eondemned.