Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 187, 6 Mei 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


TliatWunde3il3crg \s tnbe eOn£rat«latci! on his retirem£«t ir.to private life, eoeei dering the terrible onslaaght on him to fesign irom his efficial position, 80 persistentlv and justly by the ■ National Party'e Prese.~ It is a holy terror to be under an enfila(img fire. Tliat Hilo is kicking at Charlie £or pv:t=tponing until mahme the Hilawharf and Volcano ftoad. Hurry Charfes. i That the Leo'e trumpet demands for re£ponsibiu government are being re-co:;nk-ed4 and we are pmnd that the HuUeiin and Advertiser are advocating the position \ve lmve held bo long. That V'it is nnquestionably an oversight tfaat smce the opening of the Bav- . inge Knnk, £hafttiere bas been no bonti re<i«ired from the PostMasterGeheral. ,,, lt is a pity, that the oversight likeinany others committed by the family c<impact should have occnrred, Tliat there is a whiie tombstone standfng weil onto Beretania street, in front of Mr« Cartwright's residenGe, in the ehape of a hydraut, and is left there to represent the tpmb of the Superintendentof Water Works. Itiscalled "White's Monument» M That this time it" is Terrill who'hae gone over to charter another schooner to go a sealing voyage to Alaska via Koolau, Oahu. That Kvans' trial.bas, been postponed until mahope ; and that a poor ignorant Japanese, was fined and impri«oned in accordance with law,„and it seesns to us enough to cover the same oBence twice committed. That the Hilo prisoners will be dressed in civilian suits, so as to make the otficial reception to the Queen quite enthusiastic. That for doing his duty, Marshal C. B. Wilson,is reeeiving ofScions interference from those whose duty it is to assist him in suppressing viee. That Mr. Plaee is»g graduate of tlie West Point School, »o says an old whaling pal. No wonder was taken in. Ter%>ora mutanlur et nos in Wis. Thiat the effort must have raeked tl»e editorial frame whieh wrote that eulogy on Mr. Wannamaker, in yesterday s P.C. A. w-hen he let otit so mueh gall abont the long suffering oAieial.. That on*j of our ministery getp ?rtad everytime he rei\da the Leo—ter Teufel— and he reads it faithfully the first thing in the mornmghe f orgets what the proverbsays that "he that's afraid of wounds must not eome nigli a battle; M That the Queen has gone to Hilo, aecompanied by Prince John. the foremost and the tallest subject in the Kingdom. And that Princes Samuel and Charles the two broadest subjects in the realm, wlio were to have gone with the Queen, haw had to stiiiy as regentp. Pnnee Samuel is, ho\vever, c»quetting at home ■with Madame La Grippe, the world n> no\yn lady tourist. That Evans " skipDed" out of tho frying p»»n to save his u inliuential" triends from ialling into the fire. That a certain Hardware etore on Fortstreet, was made happier by receiving an overdue aeoount from the native who found that 185 tins oi opium attached to the buoy in Thurst«n Cove laFt week. Tbat we thank the Advertiser for the eompliraent whieh it pays Mr, Bush of the Ka Lko, for having disn:h»rged the P. M. U. That t)iere are many changes yet to be m«de in otiicialdom before the i». C. A.; will be satisfied that it wili satisfy theKa Leo. h That a Bcrtl haa been ap{*»inted join others on the Road Board for ihe 1*1» and of Niihau; it is not pusiii ,Vlv kiiown whether he is a Naiioual, Rei\»rm or * l>urham. That tho Bteamer K.inau h'ft iier : destination for Maui and :aki»»g, neral l>a!VH'»s ;uui Admira! phiee of t)ie M»irthal and tho l iei; v r». retired.