Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 187, 6 Mei 1891 — A ROMANCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


(Co.NTI.MEI).) . -When lNyama and Faza heard of this int(Tvie\v thev were oxtremely c!ated. Thev thought this was a eoi'il inuatioi». of their good luek anU thai r.li was clear before them. $130 a nionih 6eeraed tp them a prince]y ineome, and they at onee began to iay plans for the future. That they went to & pretty ehureh ret back froiu tho road and surromuled by a weallh of trop:c.\i As f hcv appK.uh' i' th< r heur<i the nolea ».f the «>rgan and the heartv ainging of llu> eongregation. At tI)C door th< y eiicountercd tlu* :*v, ;WTv,sor i»nd thr party < n't-r. i; :i: > rhr.rc'j a:»d wcrc con(iucteii to a 1 wei-1 in IVo tl. Thc r«»oi!i \v;i,- i r ih;.n'ly l:i2htc:l Wilh t i-v u- !an;

That.it was largoly with Japanfeie 5 nl dresst?«T.in Erroi»ean fashion. In front row were a nurab«r of sitting with head bo« ed low. At the low platf»rm .wei-e perhaps twenty ladies and genilemēn seated in chairs bebind pulpit. A large portly gentleman arose and stepping to the edge of the platforra ih a dignified and deliberate mannej' surVeyed ' the au dience. He was a well dressod smooth man. His red face was smoothly ■ .shfl;ven» his grey hair was closely cropped, his tie and Hnen wasfaulbless. He seeined a very fat and gDod natured gontleman. 4 He said: 4 *My friend this is an occasion of whieh I feel jWtiv proud. The :e hae been nothing I bave so mneh desired as I have to see the various people of the earth gathered to Clirist." Here he pause and a Japanese in a clerical ;oat. began to<ranslate what he had said. "That is ;he owner of several plantations." whispered th» supervisoi% ' one of our richest and best citizens. His name is PetQr Stone." u Yes," resumed the speaker, 4 'l consider thai divine providence has sent you here to re2eive the light, and h«?ar and believe the word of Gtd. I have alwavā favored and Jissisted the Japanese to eome to this ' country, hoping and believir,s, as I do, that God wou!d prospei 'us in an attempt to spread th«? good work and elevate maukind, , God has prospered us and here to-night we biml the first sheaves of the great harvest ©f souls Ihat are to be ga*hered to the Lord." Again hf p iused and again the monotonou» translater broke in. ,k I am gad to greet these brethren and sisters in our Christian eommuiiity to-night. They ■eae. all testify to the saving graee of the Lord. They are all happier and better for serving the Lord. I tell }'ou inv friends ; it pavs tu be a christiafi. It pays in inore-vvavs than one, It pays in your business as a business investment. Young rnen, yhu had better join the church. Why our church here contains every respectahle person in *the country, and, thank God, chrisfian people hang together. and help eaeh cither," and * the good cause. If you want to feucceed m business yoi had better join in with us." a (To b<? Continued).