Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 186, 5 May 1891 — A VALUABLE INSECT. [ARTICLE]

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Among the ohstructions retarding the development of ccrtain valuable plants that grow on these islanc:s. whieh other-wise woukl bring in an imiucns' revenue, are thc }/arah;ites or bugs that attack and a!mo.-jt de?tory the productiveness of those plants. The mo3t pro!ijinent of theseV are the eoilee and orange, irnportant indu«tries ,that have suflered severely in c:;nsequence of the biight or attaeks of tht ; se minute pests. It seems \to us ,that- the governii:ent, thrui!gh tho.se ' who have ably managed tho government nursery, sliou!d t;ake steps for gathering infur:r.atien. an.d • mesins for the er;idieation of the blights that attaek our most valuable trees and p!ants. For vears the otange growcrs of Oaliiomia were pestered with the cottony cushion scale, whieh promised to devastate the entire orange industry of that st;:te. ,But the enterprise of the people, did not wait for the governrnent to help them, as is the case in this counrry. Tiiev bestirrod themselves and found an antidote in the !ady-bird, tlie Vedaiia OacHnalis. Ho g;v-ai w-::s tho increase eo eileeiive the wuik. }ione by the Vedali.i. lhat in one year—lBBB to 1889, —the exteri»ination of the cottonz cusiiion bug was practically accomplished. With the enterprise of other peopie as an example fbr us to imitaie, it is soiprising that fio thought has been glven to these two industi ies, other than »a bold ivttempt to obtain government money tu sturt a cofifee plan-: tation for private partiesr We hope th;it lionest % tiftbrts wili bē made bv tne government to finda cure, if possible, to the blight on orange apd eoffee, arid that proper intbrmation mav ■ be gathered and submitted to the next Legiīdature for its consideration and assistauce.