Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 185, 4 May 1891 — A DOZEN MEN WHO CAN BE SPARED. [ARTICLE]
! When work is sla<;k, and busii ness dulL the working force in an establishment !iiust b« reduced, the question ariāes, "Who c»n be spared ?" And the answer is likely to include some of the* foilowi ng characters 1. The man who occr»sionallv gets drunk, unfit« himself for labor, and is bissing when he is wanted. 2. The man who is afrai<f'he will do more work ihan he get paid for, and who sh]iks, and idlee, and loiters, and wi.tches the eloek, and always gets ieady to qtnt l>efore the hpur appc>: nted. 3. The man who is backbiting and slanderiDg his employer, tryI ing to stir up strife, and make I otherS T «-o — - [ TFe ma'rt who lies, deceives, ! and has two face's. ! • 5. The man who quarre!s with his fellow-worl:ers, and abuses and torments the weak and the yoiuig. 6. The man who is more eareful i'or his o T 7n interests than he is for his empl3y.er's. 7. The man who swears, and smokes, and d 3files the whole es tablishriient with tobacco snaoke and tobacco juice. 8. The man who 4l doti't care." 9. The man whō is parti3uiar never to do any work whieh doesn't belong to him. 10. The maii who wiil not lend a hand in an emergency toT aeeammodate others 11. The'mart who is so tied by oaths and proi:iiseS to some eecret elan than he is afrajd to do what ls nght when <he knows what rightis. 12. The mati who gets cross and neither fears God nor regards man. When thetfe uaen are got Hd of« business is likely to run ro6T6 tigfaciorjl3r. But the men thcm80ives UBually wonder wtiy they '&iv discharged, and try" to raiss. a tumult, start a gtrike, t>r some way thenj{felves on their ēaiployers. t , r lt i8 a goōfl" ewi*r to k«ep clear pf eueh wen than it is tto get olf«r ōf theraT i lf inb iiwtetd of: and"*Bt rammg ey«rv nem to get weaHh, gnd cafling in ewry s«rt of ungodly and undieeirahle help to spreac mischief thit>ugh their establishr aent, would do leae i business and bo more careful "wh&m tlu-y emplcyed, and decide with tho Paalmiei, k Mine eyes shali be' npon the faithf il of the Ijord, lie shall serve me, :> they would sav9 themselves mueh loss as they go pn mueh trouble at the enei# —Safegiiard. j