Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 185, 4 Mei 1891 — THE POET SURVEYOR OF KAHULUI. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Since the appointed ff V/m. Plaee as Port Surveyar for Kah*iui, by the Colleetor Ueneral i»f Customs, Mi. Cleghorn. approved by the Minister of Finance, the peculiarities of the man has beeh a theme for iriticism. Is seems that these criticisms hrive reV?ched the ears of those who put Mr. Plaee in x:Sice, and now they are endeavoring to blame <>ne »n--other for the i.ppointmeni. Wniehever, way it is, no one eau be blamed but tle Ct)Hcci/»r Ge»eraL who gave him the position. without knowing the man'a character, and without liaving the courtesy to submit hisi nomination Jo tbe Coilector at Kahului, to whom*the man was a perfect strang< j r. It appears, that Capt>. Tripp, I recommended Mr. Plaee. aiul the ! man not be!origing to the I\_ati.onal t Party was sufhcierit recoramenda- , tion in the -eyeg of the Cōltector i General of Cnatoms for the- -poj sition. We Ihink that after such ,an exhibition, the Collector Geneiral had better resign anel s:o to England as Gpvernor of Maui.