Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 185, 4 May 1891 — THAT UTOPIA. [ARTICLE]

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The following is from the P. C. Advertiser of Saturday» and itMicates that the officer on ttie quarter-deck of the semi-slavon r frigate on Merehant St. is / l taking sights" in order to be ready for loeal ■. i, -nostrum" ■ labor paradox orators :— ■■ ■ ■' Yesterdav, Mav 1, was the day appointed a twelvemonth ago for the great >l ,Universal Labor Demonstration." The idea was originally to hold simultaneous monster meetings of the handworkers throughout the world in every great capital and labor cetfter, when the leaders of the various associations and c®mbinations should speak and the a89sembled innltitude oxpress their approval or the reverfte of the various schemes so put forth with the ulea of a specdy realization of the proForemost among the topics is the diflicult question of the relationship b-;tween labor and capital whieli, however perplexing to stateman, statist or Dhilanthreplvist, is easily settled, in theory at least, by any a verage street and park orator, with the Usual nostrurns, eompounded mostly of paradoxes and impracticabi}ities, seasoned with a few staie commons places and a good deal of a strong language." How niee it must feel, to have been born a niee elean, sleek, well-fledged Tory.