Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 185, 4 Mei 1891 — SOLITUDE [ARTICLE]
Lai'<»;iv and the Avorld lauj»hs with you, Woep, ■■ anu you weup »lone; For tho sa«l oM earth mu.st borrow its mirth, r>iit has trouble enough fōr its own. Sing, aiul the hilla .will answer; Sigh, it is lost on the air; Tlie echoes boun« to a joyful souud, r»ut shrink from voicingcare. Kej«ji< e, an<l man will seek you; Cirieve, au<l thev turn and go; r r]H-y \vant full measure of all yeur pleasure, Bnt thev <lo not heed j'our woe. Be glad, and yoiir riende are many; I>e fad, and you loee them all Thero are none to deeline your nee tared wine, But aloiu- you mu,st drink life'R gall. FeaKt, and your hall« are crowded, Fast, and the world goeK by; , Sncceed and give, and it helps you live, Isut no man ean help you die. There in room in the halls of pleasure For a large and lordly train> But oiie bv one we must all file on Through the narrow aiele of pain. —Ella Whecler.