Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 184, 1 May 1891 — "Europe's Disturbing Factor." [ARTICLE]
"Europe's Disturbing Factor."
The mov«ments and relations that circlc around Oonstantinople. the kev of the Easfc, are in a eon--Btant Btate of ebuliitiou. Uiider the heading giren above, the KW York Staats Zcituiuf of March 31, hae the foliowing npte on the pre,; sent situation. Rnssia is the disturbing factor. Like a. colossal avalanche this power hangs over Turkt'Y. All know wbat Russia'B desires and dcsigns are. And it would be easier tp keep the mountain avalanche from descending up-
r>n the plain helow whf*n '.all its props are renj»oved, than it v»uuld b6 to keep Rtk3sift from fo:u.*nting .■■■■. , | ;■ . troūb]e by $ress'mg her de«igns, tŪI the Turk | is driven from Europe, and Cobstantinopie becomes the Sftuthern outpost of the Kussia Empire. Tiie Staats Zeitu:ig savs: — ■ 4 The qucstion whieli īlussia has pnshed t<> the foreground, and whieh appesrs to eali for immediate decisior, is whether the Coburger, is to be regarded as prince of Bulgaria. Russia protests! against it on the ground that tho East Roumelian Deputics tool; part in the e iection of Fcrdinand; and not only in Bulgaria, -but also
in Austria and Gerinanv. thc murder of Bilt«c,how is regnrded as the fruit a conspiracy direct• ed by Russia. Russia's determination to hn\e a directing h«nd in the* p©litics of the Bal kans is further emphasized by her ~:,,n ce \ with France ? and Europeans states-' men have awjikened to the recognition that tlie Bulgarian qiiestion has passed th|e stagnant stage and must now be disposed of, and that promptly. In fact, the Russian press openly aemands it. This is; as a matt®r 01 fact, the backgrou n d :of the current war rumors, anq we need not deceive curselves with the idea that anythi\jg short of a peaeeahle of the whole Bulgarian eān avert the threatened danger. As long as Bisaiarck was at the helm, his attitt|de toward Bulgaria was, " What's is Eecuba tō ue ?"—Hu it is at least doubtful if the emperor of regards the matter with like indifference. and whether he will yield to Russian deraands, notwithBtanditig sthe fact that Gertnany has l«>st prestige and the Tri]3le Allianee is weakened, while Russia and France have decidedly advanced.