Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 184, 1 Mei 1891 — To Don Carlos. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

To Don Carlos.

Don Cariōs3 } you will eome again' And sample three stars brandv, You're imū of fiz, pray d"n J t rei'rain From anything that*s lmndv. With eveniags mist, the girls like \vhist- < Adept in loves deviw»s) *Come fill up Doa o another one, We'll eool you down \vith ices. Spaee wil i 011 Ly permit me to give the last of the four verses: — At nightfall when the sultry heat Ie tempered, Pon, by breezes; And eaeh heart feels the other's beat In ecstasy o* squeezes; 0 ! love it is a pleaeant dream Whieh makee the aenses tingle, And waltzing belles so ardent seem E'en when nojionger eingle. •

And Honolulu is really assured [ of the pleasure of seeing Bernhardt in CamUle; agreat character sketch of French iife, and in the sweet soft cadences of the French language too; but every word wili b6 80 interpreted .by that aetion jind' mobility of look and expression for whieh la bellc France is famedJ that all wili be plain to the most i ordinary comprehension. i Talking of the drama renainds me of music and of the Bissel orj gan recital, it was a most enjoy- ! ; able affair — kt Music and morals" have something more than a mere!y alliterative association. The tendency of' good music is a moral tendency and "hath charrns to soothe" almost evpry evii passion of whieh hunnan nature is eapahle. Go©d music has no small share in fomiing and fostermg the virtues of a people. Let

us if possibie, ha,ye more organ, at least onee a week, so as to agree-: ably altemate occasionaliy with tUe band. With music s.gain, iriy senseB invotuntarily recall Patti. who when I last, saw her, wor« an evening gown whieh had a tablier skirt of cream Oenoa v T elvet with sha<led fiowsrs, the edge of the skirt bordered with a wreath of chrysanthemums matching the flowerB on the velvet, the samej round the low hoeliee. aad a train | ef yellowish pink velvet. Anotber | dress was of white satin, the tfib-; lier covercd with silver embroidery and pearls; low bodice of spangle gauze, with a Byzantine, belt richly embroidercd with geld, »ilver, and imitation diam»nds. The sleeves of both dresses were emall' with tufts of flowers or I feathers on the shonlder. For ways that are dark and tncks that are vain, commend me no l©nger to the Heathen Chinee ! Compared with some of his white fellow travellers, Ah Biii is a mere Jong-suffering iinheeile, an ineapahlē and shallow inaocent, designed for the patient culture of >cabbagee" and devoted by the fates to be taxed and **run in 1 ' for opium and harmless fantan. Y ours Sissy Scissors.