Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 183, 30 April 1891 — MEANER THAN A DOG. [ARTICLE]
: A ruember of the church eame to hi« pastor, corjplaining that the latter used very strong language in the pulpit. "Such at least is myaim," was nhe reply, "and if I fail, it is due to my"~ inabilityj cot to my want ofinclination." ••■Well, y«u said yesterday that man was rataner than a dog; what am Ito understand by that statement?" 1 4 The words are so simple I supposed a ehili could understand them." The pnstor went on to say, 4< lt will d> no good to get let .us reasoa together. lUTe you e\er owned a dog? That dog was kicked and ooffed and drirea out of the house into ihe rain; but he cever harctied you. If you threw him a crust or a bone, how thsnkful he was! If yoa noticed him kmdly, how he wagged his tail with delightf How gladly he would lie before your door and defend you with his life! Have you ev-?r been as grateful to God for his innumerable and un«peakable m ircies, andae loya) to the Lord Jesos Christ as your dog was to your—"No." «I have >roved my pro*osition; man is meaner than a dog."—JSfc,
Tha| £van , s draw#y?fsterday, āiui new feojKl* j i«r:jished by an es-inin?sfcer aati ,reiarned' merebknt*- ••. •- .;•*
That the oom'm?» of the Hawaiian Flyiag a special trip to iEcGmtyf who to him that —th@re wa»plenty in the bottom of the eea, in the bott»oi of the sea, don't you see, see, seet
That by the statement in the pasec&ger fist per steamēr for M»«i, that lfev W. H Daniels had gone home t the P. CL Adverti&er mugt be anxitms to B<j»|ih»fc. gentleman leave Honolulu. Mr. !>.» elill hei-O/ an<l proposes to stay a whil.e io'iger.
That the Bulietiu **eat" reads the Lk» l)ehind \vhiBkey barrels. *
That to morrow we will have a netr P. JM. G. Be ready with your toreht« boys!
Tkat Tommy still elaime tlmt th»t»a» found in his house eoniain conde»feft milk. We will not be surpris©d if m l>e the case by and by f as the ** staS *' will turn into almost anything la thi» elimate.
That the appointmenfc of Mr. Plaeē» who used to attnne the ©ars of the syre®a of Mannakea street, isconsidered a eeandal by pet)ple in Honohilu t aad will be considered on Maui, as a deliberate insult on the part of the Cabinifit.
That the policy of the Cabinet res»'ndto us of the deviltry of the devil, it m iacomprehensible.
That the Marshal- expected pome or soraething from windward ports, neither eame as soroe one heard tā& booniing of guss and was uader th« iiar pression tbat there mus,t be a terrible fight going on, or else Wilcox's revolutwa*. had broke out anew. *
That ex-Hon. P, Palohau aafl Saa» Kamohakau were appointed a Coimadttee by some one-aboard the steamer 14kelike t& start the chf /ing when tiie _Queen landed at the Leper Shtt{eoQeaat. That the two above named gentleKuaii did what they could, and no one resoesi4" ing was no fault of thejrs, but was <hietx» anagsthesis ont^elarynx.
That it was a blunder ol thgWar Mio)Bter to cou:itermand the Band Coaaee»t at tbe Hotel last Tuesday iright.
That although it is very hard to the Minieters out» itis still more to find them in, That one Ministeraasy be f«Jund on the sidewalk in Merchai*t Street and another oftener concoctiisg war dispatches in an old haek*
That the laet oflScial sleeo oi some af our bureaucrate will be to-night. Keiae»ber that u Noeh is Polen nicht velo*e».**
That the lads from Bonnie Soot!aßd have concluded to elub together a&4i» prepared like freemen to with«tand tk& influx, like locuets uf Asiatic civilizati«o, and to encourage tiiat soirit that Bvm** eaid would still bum tho' itwabottled and for auld syne wi gie it— Ho. not yet! the aqeient spirit Of our fat hsrs hath not gone: Take it to the3&s a buekter, Better £ar than steel or stone; Oh, remember those who periahedE For thy birthright at the tim« When to be a Scot was treaeen, And to eide with Walla**» wimnī ' Aytouk»
Th*t the resort in the P. C. Adverturir aboat the Qaeea's Yisit a»d wae tak©tt down Becond hand t «&e roso*. terol th&t pape* takiftg tobe4tasafe distaiice, **» ta«iozi, and conseqttentiy saw very huneell.
That Dr. 01iver?s lihei suit ig &sBm Hatching. It takee long» te rf.* ī,,' than «siy case «iat haa haflpe»ed $r. Troas®eaa'B ostrich £arza atWaikiki
That «Tery Ohinaman who 9pptitß fer a haek driTer*B Uoeaea to th» MiDister Interier get3 it'; ia Btands ia m*rked Mt«asl t» hia pradecasaor t we regrat%o aay«
Thatthe po&ie are c%urto&B whwi the Interior iMMii thoaa filter4»da oonneoted with tha <&r water*eup|>iy.