Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 182, 29 ʻApelila 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


+— ..■:■ That the Helsian has gone to iiell sure, and if she has i|ot, some peo:>!e tliiuks : she never will show up again. That the last baseball ga.me ehows that young Pabner is} a pitcher of promise, bat we hope Pklmer will not imitate iUncle Sain , s example and be in(.*lined to lorget his proraises. ! That we have ipothing to say this issu» about Charlie Mahope until oeeahion offers in the sweet by snd by. I That nhile some people pretend to ipreach Christ, aijid him crucified, to the ipoor benigjited heatlien, they at the same :time leave the d<|>or open for opium and aleohol to eome in to help to console the ;heathen through| their'senses. : . That Marshal Wilson made some dis;Coveries on his trip to sea under seftled orders, last Sunday evening, giving certain waymarks phat will afford him a eine to the opi»n[i ped<ilers. i That on landiiig ata little jbite on the islsmd of Molokai, the Marshal discovered & peculiar little wooden istructure, whieh at firsthe was told was a privy for the aecomrr>o<lation of the ilord of the nlaee; but as they were puli.ing away from nhe shore, the same old iellow, with a broadgrin on his face, sai(l i* 1 Haole sarvee too mueli, lele house put opium inside." That a certain subordinate is making fun oi the bocause he tried tb do his duty. Be >ter bs careful you have not got a Lagislative Comrnittee eomiposed of lawyers to hoodwink 3 and aiterwardB makeiun ;it them. That there were lots of hugging and kissing among the lepers and their friends, and as soon as they found out jthat the treat was due toTremier Parker they all wanted to liug and kiss him. Fortunately the Premier had a waterproof duster on. That tfie unfortunate Lepers on Molokai are in a terrible conditioi\ and nped another physicifin to attend to them. :Scientific mediatl investigations have idemonstrated the fact that the disease ean be checked, and offen tlie patient has improvetl. That it was a fearful !isig-ht to see the c!istorted featitres, limbs | sloughing away, hideous wounds, most j of whieh it was impofisible for those wliu |iwere placed at tlie hospital to attend to jithem; and there thev wcre actually rot|iting ftway withont any lielp, penned up j oftentimes four i:a a room about ten feet [ Bquare, steaming and seethingand mhal- ! ing the efiiuvi«m froni their own bodied. i Poor X)ami(fn,\vh} could dare traduce and • beiittle your noble and Christ!ike works i iu the midst of tie eamal houee or hell i hole of Kalaupapa, except one ia the } spirit ot anti-Christ, whose eonl was envious at the martyr crowu whieh your life service in tue cause for whieh the loving Master lnid down his life to re* deert». ! Tnat strange dovelopments will be the result of the Mat bhal's effort, unless the reeponsibility is moro tkan Charlie ean assume. That >t righteousnesB n is Uie ' Queen'B motto for governing her official acts, and with this blesaed assurance let nofalse frfeDd6hip t Mr. MarBh&l, interfere with your omeial conduct, but let it rather be an incentive to go on in right doing.

Tbat«>ar&avy did B,t C3te]fc-tSj*j (Why?) altlaoGgh the fleet iraa fcaj&ed wit i o'd 6poiitere! CcmoK. dci?«i Ekfe ought to have been thēre J and ibis experienee *he woald have harpoonedtiie divil, let alone the whale. That Wm. Plaee has been appoixite(l Pori Surveyor at Kahalui. Maui, out oī about tvrenty applicants. That the bonnie prince who hascliargeof the <"usfcoin9 dues of the conntry, thīnke that Mr. Plaee is the oni m<m flt to flll tljl piaee, whlle another official has his Kaeekioea abouttliagentleman. That at. Kalawao settlement vhe £'s{er» ov Ch:iritv are weil pr©vfded with a homi? aromul wnieh cluster in a circle abo.ut flftec:\ lūw. eommmlione buildings, for t.ho girlfl ai:tl woimn o£ the €atholic faith only. tL is said that the aoathy and iicgiigen(»e of the money loving ItoteKtant f k-r;;y,.who car« uiore to stay in ilonoluhi and enjoy a lat salarv and weU provi<ieci boaixj*, many of the young girls anel wotntn of the pr©testant <ienominations are prof«asing Eoman Catholicism.. The fnnds used for the pnrposeaboveare fr>ra ti.e p,iblic treasury, and shonld be used without any discrimin»tion; aīul if tht?re are any Chr!si:iauB among: the Protestants still rem <ning and Mho wili do a?! the Catholics are worthily doing, we hope the Board of Health funds wili not be manipulate according to 19tli centary charity. •