Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 181, 28 ʻApelila 1891 — Proverbs About Women, [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Proverbs About Women,

A good wife is the gift ef a go«d God, and the woikmanehi® of a good hvisband As the good man saith, so say we; but as the good woaaan saith, 80 it muBt be. The obedient wife consßiandß her husba nd; the dis«bedient wife cannot command herself. A «oan must ask his wife's leave befbre he ean prosper; fbr a man'a best fortune, or hi» worst. is his wife. Many blame the wife for their own ghiftless life. Beaility in a woman is like the flowers in spring; but yirtue is iike ;thji*' stare of heaven. The^e many a good wife who Cd.tfhot sing and dance weil. He ihat hath a bad wifr has purgatjory for a neighber; but «aya Solomon the Wise, "A good wife is a g«|>d prize." Preti,incBS makes no pottage, The foblish womaa is known by her finery. A wife is better ehoeen by the ear than by the eye. A fairy face d#es not swetten a spoiled dinner, nor a gay dreas ian ugly temper,—Selected.

The case 11*. Fvans for opium smugg| u g, befbre the Poliee Court, has heen iem.«ndtd for a Week,